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All Content by GapYrs

  1. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    You have to have a 77 in the A&P? The Allied Health course? Is that NCTC grading scale for just their nursing courses or all courses?
  2. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Yep, that happened to me before, you have to update the application each semester. I think I'm going to go ahead and register just in case. Either way I want to get it out the way. It'll just work me toward completing the other prereqs for the nex...
  3. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Still up in the air with that as well. I think the in seat is an all day class once a week, if there is room, in going for it.
  4. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Lol. Oops
  5. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    That's the hard part. I want to take the seated part but would love to do the online also....I just don't want it to be "harder" you know. I want to save the online when I get to the BSN part of my learning so I can work and go to school. But if I...
  6. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Lol. I'm doing the same. Goodness the anticipation is killing Me! I really hippie you hear soon because I want to sign up for summer classes and get things out the way. I did read the application page last night (again, lol) and it says notificatio...
  7. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    No second guessing...I'm in the same boat, returning to school but this is what my heart desires. I don't want to have any shoulda, coulda, woulda, moments in life. You're never to old to start dreaming, and going for your goal! Plus...age is all in ...
  8. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    So did she get waitlisted? And thanks. But I think they go by more than just scores. We shall see!
  9. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Are you serious?! Are they just general students who applied? Wonder what their scores and points looked like. Geez, then we should be hearing something soon?
  10. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Just checking in.... Anyone as nervous as I am?
  11. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    I believe they are closed on Fridays or close ny noon. Yes, hopefully by next Thursday!
  12. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Wonder if by email? Lol. Let me just stop.
  13. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Yes, I'm praying for us all!
  14. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    I emailed about 15 minutes ago. I remembered that they are either closed or close early on Fridays.
  15. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Got an update. They aren't meeting until next week....eek! Lol I get to rest the weekend.
  16. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    That's what I'm hoping to do... sign up for the A&P course.
  17. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    I didn't. I'm going to keep fighting for NCTC. The Online application opens May 1 so I'm holding out on everything. If I don't get in these two times, I'm starting the pre-reqs I have left anyway.
  18. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Gosh, let's hope way before the end of the month! The last TEAS was on the 7th, so we shall see. I keep checking my email just in case, lol
  19. Domestic Violence charge in Florida

    Depends on your state, but the BON accepts misdemeanors, with certain criteria, I believe even if not dismissed. But sounds like you are on your way to getting it dismissed. Great luck to you.
  20. Domestic Violence charge in Florida

    I recently went through the process. I did the DOE app because me and my brother argued, he hit first and i did hit back, defending and protecting myself.. because he had a scratch more than me and crying...I was arrested. Family violence. No prio...
  21. You're right. Definitely options here, but everyone knows it and is working to get in. Best of luck in your decision making!
  22. Any NCTC Fall 2018 LVN Hopefuls?

    Hey All, I just realized, the 15th is on a you think we will hear something by Friday?
  23. What state are you in? I'm in Texas and some programs even have LVN online. That may be better IF you have to continue to work.
  24. Lpn to rn - still need prerequisites?

    Thanks for sharing! Making my decision better.
  25. You sound like me, trying to make a decision on the route to take. Lvn? Or pre-reqs for ADN? I have a Bachelors in unrelated field but could do pre-reqs and get there as well. I think I'm fighting the pre-reqs when I should also embrace them because...