child of God

child of God

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All Content by child of God

  1. Bloomfield College Nursing Fall 2017

    I am done with all my sciences except microbiology. From what I heard a lot of people scored in the 70 (Don't know if its true) and 81 (again I don't know if it's true). I hope they don't change the process cause as you said it is really stressful. I...
  2. Bloomfield College Nursing Fall 2017

    I rather wait for their call. I thought we were supposed to find out by the 15th but the other day I went to an advisor and she said they start calling people on the 20rh and when I asked people at the nursing division, they said by the 15th. It's re...
  3. Bloomfield College Nursing Fall 2017

    hi, I am new to this also. I am trying to get into the nursing program at Bloomfield this fall too. I am a transfer student and for now my GPA is 3.21 and scored a 75.3 on the TEAS. I am really stressed what about you?