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All Content by OsceanSN2018

  1. Need help on this basic med math problem?

    Thank you! I finally get it now. This will be my 2nd week in OB and we have not learned this at all.
  2. Need help on this basic med math problem?

    Yes, that helps some. But what about the ml/hr? Can you show me how to set this up? I'm not looking for the answer because I have it, I just don't know how to set it up. I asked my classmates in group meet but they told me the exact same thing you ju...
  3. Need help on this basic med math problem?

    I did: 10 units/1000ml = 1min/.008 units but I guess this is not how your supposed to set this up.
  4. Flu - Missing Class

    Haha, I got a flu shot (mandatory for clinicals). That's why I said my family were jehovahs witnesses and not me. Hence why I left my religion once I turned 18. So, they were against me becoming a nurse at first, but now they are getting used it.
  5. Flu - Missing Class

    My family are jehovah's witnesss and our congregation are agasint modern medical science, so not getting vaccinations is common but its not prohibited to do so.... I think the OP just mean their "beliefs, not religion".
  6. When do nursing programs do drug tests?

    I had to get drug tested during our application process. And that's it.
  7. What are Your Goals for 2018??

    This year in 2018, I want to: 1. Pass nursing school and graduate early by the end of December. 2. Obtain my CNA certification and work as a CNA. 3. Get a new car. 4. Move out of the dorms into a nice cheap apartment.
  8. West Coast University August 2017

    If you're not qualified for any free money then I would highly consider looking into other schools than funding that entire program with only loan money....
  9. Is it possible to get 4 4.0s this semester at Oakland University?

    As Devon Rex said, I would definitely check with your school to see if they require Organic Chemistry...my school required it but only in place of not having to take gen chem 1 &2.
  10. Pathophysiology in 8wks or 16wks?

    Take patho in the summer because you are already taking micro in the spring. I took patho with 3 other nursing classes and clinical and it is a lot to learn and needs its own focus.
  11. Read one chapter didn't get a single question right

    Ha, no! Some people will tell you otherwise but no one really have the time to read chapter after chapter in nursing school. I wasted $700 on my first semester books and most if them is still in their plastic wrapping unopened. That's how sad it is. ...
  12. I am at such a loss

    Please take your time there is no rush.
  13. Schools grading scale

    Needing anything above a 75% testing average is pretty high for an undergrad degree in my opinion. I needed an 85% test average to pass one of my courses and it was straight hell for someone with no prior healthcare experience.
  14. Schools grading scale

    My school is the same way OP. We have to get a 77% test average in all of courses except fundamentals before they factor in any coursework grades.
  15. How old were you

    I started my first semester of nursing school at 20 and will hopefully graduate at 21 years old. Im the 2nd youngest in my class.
  16. Clinical sites

    My spring semester will be OB and Medsurg. My first semester was on a Oncology/Surgical floor.
  17. What should I expect?

    I passed fundamentals and it was so hard! I had needed a 85% test average to pass and I made it through with a 86%! I really struggled with this class at the beginning of the semester but after I learned how to study for it I started getting nothing ...
  18. Survivor of the first semester of nursing school

    I too am a survivor of first semester. I did better on my finals than I have did all semster, haha. I recieved all B's and 1 A and I am so pumped to start next semester.
  19. Grade appeal please help!!!!!

    I agree with you OP. My teacher had a similar sisuation with a word typo on the exam but I knew other answers were wrong and I validated the typo with the professor before I clicked. Though the professor owned up to her mistake and gave everyone the ...
  20. Does this has anything to do with your religous or cultural background? Or are you just not used to being around males in general? I can relate to how your feel because I was raised with all girls in my household which may me really shy towards guys....
  21. Failed Clinical because of paperwork

    What is this "paperwork"?
  22. I honestly think you can get that 70 especially since you're only a couple points away from your mark. So, I suggest to just keep studying hard and make sure you actually understand all of the important concepts before moving on to the next. Also to ...
  23. Should I still keep going?

    This is exact same situation i am in except I need an 88 and a 86 on two test to pass this course. One of these eams is next monday on oxygenation and fluid and electrolytes.
  24. Your school's Grading scale?

    A-93-100 B-85-92 C- 84-77
  25. Dosage calculation help?

    I answered this question: Ordered 18,000 mg of Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is available as 0.004 kg per 11 mL. How much will the nurse draw up? The correct answer is 49.5ml but I put 50ml. I assumed that you would round up to the most realistic dosage y...