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All Content by OsceanSN2018

  1. Does your school require badge checks before an exam?

    No. They tell us that having a badge is required to take our exams but no one ever wears their badges. I bring my badge just in case in my backpack, but I usually only wear it for lab/clinicals.
  2. Go straight to nursing. Going into debt to be an MA is not very sound to me. My sister is a MA and she make $15 hourly at a doctor's office in the north side of Chicago. She told me the pay is not great for the high COL and terrible commute. However,...
  3. Help with math!

    I would set this up with dimensional analysis. I find this formatting to be most helpful because it its easy to see what you do and dont need and cancel things out. And I say this because we haven't learn gtts/min in nursing school yet either, but wi...
  4. Does your motivation ever waver?

    I experience this all of the time. Especially in 1st semester in nursing school and then my 3rd or 4th week this semester. But I'm trying to get back in the game currently as OB is kicking my butt. I say to try to find a new study environment because...
  5. Having so much fun!

    Sorry if I came off a certain way to you, I meant that I wish I could be thrilled with an 84 sometimes on my exams but it usually tanks our test average when exams are worth 85% in every class. So everyone in my program are always aiming for a B or h...
  6. Having so much fun!

    Wow, that's a high C in my program. Also, patho sucks but it's needed for med-surg...
  7. Moral dilemma? Or should I mind my own business?

    Are these girls your friends? If so, i would just leave it alone. You're there to get through school and avoid unnecessary drama at all costs. If they get found out on their own then so be it, but as long as you are not put into the crossfire. Plus, ...
  8. Sleep insomnia is affecting me

    Im going to try the melatonin thing as well. My professor also recommended it to me. Also did you find that benedryl helped? A classmate recommended that also.
  9. Sleep insomnia is affecting me

    Thanks! Im going to try these tips. However, i live in a dorm with 50 other freshman girls who wre very immature and likes to scream all day. But I'm going to try that white noise and i hope it helps tonight.
  10. Sleep insomnia is affecting me

    Yeah, i think stress is it. I've been struggling in OB...
  11. Cdiff odor?

    I'm a nursing student, and I haven't smelled it yet...
  12. Quick ? about diuretics

    Wow, since when did they change that? My professor said we should know both the generic and brand name for NCLEX.
  13. Does this seem like too much?

    Im in my 2nd semester of nursing school, and I'm taking OB, Pharm,Med- Surg, and a Gerontological nursing class that is online. I have also been offered a CNA position in LTC and I would be in memory care for dementia patients. It's 2nd shift from 3...
  14. Quitting Nursing School (For good)

    Good luck!
  15. Having so much fun!

    Wow you are so lucky for the breathing room you have for this upcoming week. I have 3 exams (med-surg, pharm, and OB) next week
  16. Can't get a job

    Dont be rude. OP, did not ask you to grade her grammar, and she is not writing an English paper so who cares?
  17. How to confront a disrespectful professor

    I hope you can get things worked out with your instructor! I know nursing school is hard and we have a lot of responsibilities that can usually stretch us thin. Definitely go to that appointment and just try to meet your instructor half way, so if yo...
  18. Alternates -how do we feel?!

    I guess the chances would depend on how competitive the program is.... such as how notable the school is, and how may people apply versus the available seats.
  19. Having to teach yourself?

    Sorry that you are going thorough this. Though calculating I & O should be taught in fundamentals because a CNA should know how to do it and it's basic care. The same with dosage calculations, it should be a requirement that you know how to do me...
  20. Having to teach yourself?

    Wow, that sucks. I only have one teacher this semester who basically make us self teach any she will only provide supplmental resources such as videos and role playing teachings. The rest of my teachers will only put things on the test that have been...
  21. I have a med math exam tomorrow morning and I cannot figure this problem out: The patient is to receive Pitocin (oxytocin) at a rate of 8 milliunits per minute. The IV contains 10 units of Pitocin in 1000 ml Lactated Ringers. How many ml/hr to be se...
  22. How to get nursing experience as a student

    Is it possible you could try to become a CNA over the summer? Obviously, you won't have "nursing" experience because you would have to be a nurse to get that. All you really need is some experience with bed side care as an aide and that should open s...
  23. Starting first semester of nursing school

    Your scared now, but I promise that you will learn to get use to the style just give it some time. I was nervous the same way you are, but now I simply cannot image taking a nursing exam without NCLEX style questions and not feeling prepared for them...
  24. Having so much fun!

    Your 5th week or semester...?
  25. Hate clinicals?

    I hated my clinicals at first for 1st semster, but now I'm taking medsurge and there's a lot more to learn. Though I still don't particularly love my clinicals either, it's more of a "I don't hate them, and I dont love them".