Haha well there's clearly a market otherwise we all wouldn't have applied in addition to the thousands of other applicants! That amount of debt does put a little knot in my stomach though, and...
Ya, I feel the same way! I started this thread (https://allnurses.com/advanced-practice-nursing/how-much-do-1131065.html), and I feel like a more realistic starting salary for someone (like me) with...
It's pretty high...$173,200! ABSN= $21,500 per semester x 4 semesters = $86,000 AMSN= $21,800 per semester x 4 semesters = $87,200 Figures were found here: Tuition | Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of...
What TangoDeux said is true about not being a high priority student. Look into Emory's online prereqs through their school of nursing. They're probably not your cheapest option, but I took one and had...
It's roughly (~) eight months depending on which field. I am considering FNP, and the program is through Emory. I've applied but will not hear back until the 15th at the earliest. Also, anyone's...
I am so glad to see this post. I am a career changer and actually have applied to an ~eight month direct entry ABSN+MSN Program. Reading this is so insightful, because your experience has been a fear...
I am a career changer working on prereqs for an ABSN+MSN program to be an FNP. I've been on Glassdoor and similar sites, but would you please share a realistic salary/hourly wage I could expect? I...