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All Content by JLeBlanc21

  1. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Mine is still the same. Will it change if we're accepted?
  2. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    @becky504 Hopefully you're not wrong.That sounds like something that could be possible bc it make sense! l really can't wait till we all know!
  3. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I think it's a mass email they send...probably a subtle way of telling us to stop calling them lol. But hopefully it's before the 6th! Idk why they would even say the 25th in the first place.
  4. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I think soo, I got it too. I wish they never would have said the 25th, that just got my hopes up lol.
  5. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    No frikin way!!
  6. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Haha me too.
  7. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    No :/ I'm just setting my mind on were not going to get them till at least next week! I'm getting so anxious thinking about it ALL the time!
  8. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    An 81 is really good! I took it 3 times, got an 83 the first & 2nd time lol and an 89 the third.
  9. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    They send them out by mail and email! Last application time a friend received hers first by email, then got the letter a few days later. I was told by an advisor a 65 is a 50/50 shot bc the cutoff score is usually a 65 or 70. I retook the HESI and w...
  10. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    í ½í¸±í ½í¸±í ½í¸± I was thinking all the days that the school was closed it would push it back! But I'm really hoping this is true:):):) I don't think I can wait any longer lol
  11. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    This is seriously torture lol.
  12. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I wonder if they ever send out letters early!l?! Hopefully too many people didn't apply this time.
  13. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I'm worried about that happening to me! I hear SO many stories like that...and you basically get a 'sorry, apply again next time' response even if points are overlooked! í ½í¸© But we will all get in! I know it. I really hope they get you transcripts...
  14. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    That's what I had also, hopefully I added everything up right. Im praying we all make it in this time! If not I will apply again in Jan ahh. I just don't want to wait another whole year to start. 65,70, & 75 are the profile scores I hear the most...
  15. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Don't freak out:)) I think it was Mrs. Thornton. You don't include your profile score sheet, that is just for us to use as a reference. Only the items on the checklist were needed.
  16. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    One of my friends didn't put it either, she emailed them to make sure it was accepted and it was. I think it will be okay!
  17. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Thank you:) I'm going drop it off tom morning. I'm soo nervous!
  18. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Does anyone know what time CSN opens to drop of application?
  19. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Hey! How did the HESI go?
  20. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    It is one or the other, you only get one set of points for each section. @becky504 thats an awesome HESI score! I just retook it and was able to get an 89, I had an 83 before but really needed the extra 5 points. So now I have a 70 profile score. Im...
  21. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I left mine blank for that part! Bc I would definitely recommend myself haha.
  22. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    When are you retaking it? I have a 65 also! I really want a 70 profile score at least. 65 was the cutoff last time I think.
  23. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I'm not sure about the pass/fail grades. Maybe Mrs. Thornton would know? I think theres a group advising session this week.
  24. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I believe you can email the science/math dept. to see if it will transfer [email protected]. I found some of the ones I needed on here. Transfer Equivalency - Delgado Community College haha no, I had to look up how to get my CSN GPA too, you go from al...
  25. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Yes, only the grades in the CSN curriculum are counted towards the "W" and D/F section.