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All Content by JLeBlanc21

  1. Hi all! I am applying to CSN in Aug. for the Spring 2018 class. I just wanted to start a post to help answer questions and compare profile scores:) Does anyone know what the last application cut off was?
  2. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I would still apply, the D/F might make you profile score too low to get in depending on what the cutoff score is but when you pass your last A&P class in the fall it will bring it up for the next time you apply, if you don't get in the first tim...
  3. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Did you fail any of the classes (D,F) or did you retake them to get a higher grade?
  4. Charity School of Nursing Fall 2018

    It's pretty busy.....and ALWAYS changing. When they say schedule is subject to change, they mean it lol. So you have to be pretty flexible. Working full time would be tough, but people do it:)
  5. Charity School of Nursing Fall 2018

    Good luck y'all! Last application period we got our letters pretty close to the date given, the waiting was terrible! And we didn't get an email like we were told, just a letter.
  6. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    They should go over it in the advising session that we had to make an appointment for. We'll have our classes schedule already by Jan:)
  7. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    We all register at the same time. It's usulaly in December. They will put a list of all classes/locations on the website, but it's not up yet.
  8. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I went to the advising yesterday and she said it has to be done before starting level II courses. So Spring or during summer.
  9. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I'm going tomorrow! Did you go today?
  10. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Everything that I've seen says you only need A&P I to apply, it even says it on the curriculum self of assessment sheet and on the example curriculum plan A&P II is with the first 2 nursing classes. That's crazy you had an 80?! I think the c...
  11. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Yes you can! I think there are a few different requirements for LPN. I know it seems so far but Feb. will be here before you know it and it will be time to reapply:)
  12. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    No, they didn't put it on the letters. I'm not even sure what the cuttoff was this time.
  13. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I started a FB group, it might be easier to talk there! Charity School of Nursing Fall 2019 Class :)
  14. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Just got my acceptance letter!! Yay. I had a 70 profile score. Congrats guys!
  15. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Are you going to try again in the Spring? Please don't get discouraged:) a 60 is soo close!!
  16. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    This is killing me! I know our letters are just sitting in the post office haha and my mail doesn't pass till later in the afternoon.
  17. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    No mail today! If I have to wait till Monday just to get a denial letter I'm going to be so upset lol.
  18. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Yayyy!! That's awesome, I'm so happy for you!!
  19. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I think I just had a slight heartattack!! So no email first?
  20. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    At the advising session she said around 500 or so---I think, I can't remember for sure tho lol.
  21. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    Do you get the points from the D/F, W section the 2nd time you apply? I hope you get in this time!
  22. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I'm going to apply again in the spring if I don't get in. I should go from a 70 to an 80 profile score if I calculated it right, if I don't get in tribe I quit haha.
  23. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I wish they would have stuck with just the 6th, I definitely got my hopes up for earlier but it's still not too far! 10 days and a couple of hours :) we're almost there!
  24. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    From what I've seen before advising is about a week or two after letters are sent out and orientation is the first week of Jan. I'm sure that could change tho
  25. Charity School of Nursing Spring 2018

    I'm not going to make it two weeks lol.