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About stefloz

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  1. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    I believe she's in homestead campus right?
  2. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Hey everyone, I know most of you are finishing up your first semester at MDC (good luck with finals!!!). I'm starting in Jan and was wondering if anyone had Hanna as their professor for fundamentals lecture?
  3. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    I got a Littmann, they're a little more on the pricier side. As long as it's a dual stethoscope you should be fine!
  4. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Your schedule is pretty good! Do you work by any chance? Do you think working 10-13 hours a week would be too much on top of school?
  5. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    What did you do during orientation? How was it? I have mine Nov 27th and I'm pretty excited lol
  6. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Yeah, the only thing I'm not too fond of is the whole being a float nurse for two years or so while working for the CSC. Being placed in different hospitals and floors all the time and not knowing where you're going next is not my cup of tea, I'm def...
  7. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Did any one attend the information session for the Baptist Scholars program? What were your thoughts on it? I for one was taken aback by the fact that we'd be going to nursing school AT Baptist, definitely was not expecting that lol.
  8. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Yup! I'm currently taking micro lab and intro to sociology which I finish in mid December. I've tried calling Baptist but they always give me a vague answer as to whether or not they'll wait for you to complete those pre-reqs or not. The only thing t...
  9. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    No, i mean for each requirement. For example, I submitted my BLS card and the status for that requirement says "pending." I was wondering how long it takes till they can tell me if they accept that requirement
  10. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Does anyone know how long it takes to for an item to become "compliant" on complio?
  11. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Can anyone send me the PDF? My email is [email protected] Thank you!
  12. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    This Thursday!
  13. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    Definitely. I still haven't gotten my card, I'm going today after work to see if I can finally get it.
  14. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    I'm going to the free CPR class tomorrow, lets hope they accept that one
  15. Spring 2018 MDC Nursing Program

    I wonder if getting the baptist scholarship saves you a spot in the RN-BSN program...? As long as you maintain your GPA in the ASN program and become a nurse of course.