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About Lapao

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  1. SJSU Fall 2017

    What is your impaction score if you don't mind sharing?
  2. SJSU Fall 2017

    Has anyone receive recieved their letters yet?
  3. SJSU Fall 2017

    Do you guys know if acceptance letters will be mailed out or do they tell you through email or nursingcas?
  4. SDSU Fall 2017

    I got in with a 3.93 and 83.3 on the teas test. I can't believe it.
  5. SJSU Fall 2017

    My scores are : gpa:4.0 Teas: 83.3 Impaction score: 7.62 Do you guys think I have a chance of getting in? not sure if I calculated my impact ion score correctly? How did you calculate it?