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About cschylerrn

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  1. University of Alabama PMHNP

    I also was a traveler and had the means to move down here but they help you if you really need it
  2. University of Alabama PMHNP

    Hey I’m in their acute care program graduating in December. They are highly regarded in the gulf region for their programs in nursing both undergrad and graduate. I couldn’t find placement in NC and was able to secure preceptors in the mobile Alabama...
  3. How to educate spouse about what I do as an NP?

    First of all is your wife in the medical field? Second of all it’s none of her business. Third of all stop questioning yourself as you are the professional in your craft and she has no say in the matter. Lastly grow a set, and let her know in a fitti...
  4. University of South Alabama BSN to FNP Fall 2020

    What state are you in?
  5. University of South Alabama BSN to FNP Fall 2020

    Any word on MSN packets yet?
  6. University of South Alabama BSN to FNP Fall 2020

    Not yet. I had to update my address and had asked if they had sent them out yet about 3 days ago and they said no.
  7. UAB MSN Fall 2020

    Didn’t get in but I did at duke and south Alabama! Good job guys!
  8. UAB MSN Fall 2020

    Nope it is not. U?
  9. UAB MSN Fall 2020

    Nope. I get the feeling it won’t be till the end of the week.
  10. UAB MSN Fall 2020

    Guys you gotta chill out LOL. Go take a walk or something!
  11. UAB MSN Fall 2020

    Hey there. We definitely won't hear anything until the end of the month. I applied to AGACNP first choice and FNP second. I already got in to South Alabama for AGACNP, so my mind is more at ease however, would prefer UAB.
  12. University of South Alabama BSN to FNP Fall 2020

    I am in NC as well. Acute care and in
  13. Why wasn't I placed in the ED?

    Yes. "GOLF CLAP".
  14. Why wasn't I placed in the ED?

    Shan_Elle not trying to be ugly, but quit being a crybaby, learn crucial skills that your instructors placed you with. Graduate, pass your nclex, find a job and hopefully you get placed in an ED. If not, get another job. And one thing to consider is ...