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  1. Need help with nursing diagnosis

    thank you for your input, it's much appreciated. I am just starting the program and we are now in the Nursing Process section and we were given this scenario. We were asked to provide an actual and a potential nursing dx. I am thinking of putting A...
  2. Need help with nursing diagnosis

    No. 😀
  3. Need help with nursing diagnosis

  4. Need help with nursing diagnosis

    Actual dx: Stress overload r/t stressors aeb client reports unable to work around her tasks or Anxiety r/t situational crises aeb clients states she's feeling apprehensive and unable to handle tasks. Potential dx: Risk for ineffective coping r/t ap...
  5. Hi! I am new to and Im glad there are nurses who are selflessly helping other nurses and students. I am a mature student taking up nursing and I struggling to make an actual and potential nursing diagnosis. I am not sure if I'm on the r...