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All Content by cjprenurse

  1. So I don't think I'm gonna be able to pass my OB class and rotation. I suffer so bad from my anxiety, my teacher stated I really need to reevaluate how I cope with it and see a therapist. My mental health has been taking a tole that I went from my fi...
  2. Expelled from RN program, looking for options

    Does anyone know any LVN programs that are affordable at SoCal and can transfer
  3. SJSU WST for Nursing School

    I took it when I wanted to go to SJSU. Its basic high school english. I wrote a lot of "I feel..I am" and I passed at the minimum. ?
  4. Nursing school Clinicals

    I'm actually really, really surprised at this and I am so sorry this has happened to you. In my old program, the clinical instructors encouraged the first semester students to ask questions. I mean, as long we are polite and professional theres no s...
  5. Expelled from RN program, looking for options

    UPDATE EDIT: Hi there, First and foremost: I'd like to apologize to anyone that I offended regarding the LVN program. I didn't mean make it as a "downgrade". First semester I shadowed an LVN and she was so knowledgeable. She did the LVN route to ge...
  6. Expelled from RN program, looking for options

  7. Expelled from RN program, looking for options

    Honestly no....I don't think I can make it. Last day to drop with a W is may 5.
  8. Hello there, 1st, I'd like to say the syllabus is designed by the teacher and must be approved by the nursing director and the nursing assistant director before the start of class. The total points overall is 735 points. 2. The class had to do an A...
  9. Clinical failed petition

    I'm really bummed out. I'm a second semester nursing student at a CC RN program and I received a clinical fail. I was beyond distraught/ devastated. I had a lot of personal things going on and I was overwhelmed in med surge clinicals. The clinical ...
  10. Clinical failed petition

    No. The nurse was there. I would never give meds w/o a nurse present. It was because I had a clinical warning from an unfinished drug calculation test first, wasn't organized, I didn't scan his bracelet Mar and did not document it. I would have had ...
  11. I'm a first semester nursing student and I did not do so well on my first pharm and gerontology exams. I know why I failed pharm, I didn't study so much as I should. However...for Gerontology... I rewrote my notes, do group studies every Sunday, do...
  12. I struggle w/ studying for Gerontology semi-urgent

    I never heard of VARK, what is that?
  13. My G.A.D is taking over

    It's only been 3 weeks and I already feel my self-care is being neglected. I've always struggled with anxiety/depression and I'm medicated for it. However, the stressload of nursing school is overwhelming me to the point where I'm crying. I close to ...
  14. My G.A.D is taking over

    I am deathly afraid of being kicked out. I used to be an A/B student and got all A's and B's in my pre-req. Then this happened and I surely don't want to fail nursing school. I write on the test and cross out the questions I see wrong. I think I'm ju...
  15. Pasadena City College Fall 2017

    I was wondering if anyone applied there. I also applied to: CSUEB Los Angeles Pierce Los Angeles Valley (once their apps open on April 11th maybe) LA county Allied health COC (I really doubt I get in because I did 2 attempts on the teas) Glendale Com...
  16. College of the Canyons Fall 2017

    Has anyone here spoke to the financial aid office and was able to have them consider nursing students as full time? I remember at the orientation (May 5th) one of the previous students said that... anyone know
  17. Hi there, In 2014, I suffered a mental breakdown from environmental factors. I was sent to mental heath urgent care where I was Dx for G.A.D and clinical depression. My psychiatrist put me on Lexapro 20 mg and had to test various anti anxiety meds. ...
  18. Pasadena City College Fall 2017

    I haven't. I don't plan on going to Pasadena if they contact me neither.
  19. Los angeles pierce college Rn program for fall 2017

    I honestly have no idea. But most likely not if you haven't received anything...I just hope you have a back up plan . :/
  20. Los angeles pierce college Rn program for fall 2017

    Oficially in the program!!!
  21. College of the Canyons Fall 2017

    I havent gotten a call at all :/ hopefully i get in at pierce tho
  22. Los Angeles Valley College Nursing Fall 2017

    got a denial but my hopes are at pierce nursing
  23. Pasadena City College Fall 2017

    Because it didn't say my alt number and the whole how once you receive an email saying your in you have 24 hrs to respond. I honestly don't know how many puts. I have clinical experience but no license and I only have my Associates. I got a 72.7 on t...
  24. Pasadena City College Fall 2017

    Well today I received an email saying for PCC I'm an alternate. I was very surprised because Idk how many points I have. It was confusing.
  25. Los angeles pierce college Rn program for fall 2017

    I gave up on pcc