
Guest123456788 MSN, RN

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All Content by Guest123456788

  1. My Daughter is Interested in Nursing

    You should literally not do a thing besides help her with her homework IF SHE ASKS YOU TO. At this rate you are going to have her turned off to nursing and school in general while she's in high school and you'll be lucky if she even wants to go to co...
  2. Tips for new nursing student

    I agree, it is a better idea to relax and enjoy the time you have left before the program starts. Nursing school is fun and exciting but also a lot of work and very exhausting so get as much self-care time in as you can before it begins. As far as so...
  3. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    This is a whole different problem in itself unfortunately. My MSN-DNP program is roughly $250k for 4 years, which is a fortune. But if I had chosen to go to an accelerated BSN I would have had to pay it out of pocket or take private loans with a huge...
  4. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    Not sure where the 8 months came from because Emory's website says that it is a 15 month accelerated BSN followed by a year or two for MSN, which sounds much more reasonable.
  5. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    Also another thing to keep in mind. Direct entry programs ARE NOT created equal. Some programs are almost entirely online, for profit, and designed to crank out NPs with no clinical skills as fast as possible. There are many direct entry programs tha...
  6. Seeking Advice: Direct Entry Blues

    There have actually been studies that have shown prior RN experience has no impact on transition to the NP role after graduating. What does have an impact is a formal orientation provided by the employer. Sounds like this situation was more related t...
  7. Clicking on the first thread which was all about how he didn't see anyone else of an "elite knowledge" in his classes apart from himself, on top of his response that he "hands down" has the best patient care in his cohort gave me enough answer as to ...
  8. Where you see extraordinary I see arrogant, something I have found in a lot of EMTs turned nurses. Like I said, you can be book smart all day, but arrogance and lack of desire to try in nursing school are going to turn into bad patient care down the ...
  9. And you are only in second semester and not done with second semester yet. Classes get harder. So, like I said, good luck with the NCLEX. Also, even if you do pass the NCLEX I personally wouldn't want a nurse taking care of me who didn't care to put ...
  10. Lol good luck with the NCLEX then
  11. Columbia University MDE 2017

    We haven't had second summer yet as you know, but from my understanding we have advanced pharmacology, advanced physical assessment, and care coordination. The rest of the time is left unscheduled because we have Kaplan reviews and practice tests for...
  12. Columbia School of Nursing MDE 2018

  13. How does your program teach/evaluate injections?

    We practiced on each other in my program but only for intradermal (PPD) placements. No one was forced to participate but if you didn't give your arm to someone else you also didn't get to use another person's arm (which I think is fair). We practiced...
  14. Columbia School of Nursing MDE 2018

    Just want to throw this out there for people thinking of community from NJ/farther away, most of the people I know in the program now who started with that plan have since moved closer with the exception of a couple people in Queens/Brooklyn. Our cli...
  15. Columbia School of Nursing MDE 2018

    Hi, I'm also a current MDE student at Columbia in my second semester. If you have questions feel free to private message me (it's too hard to keep up with comments on here)
  16. Worst day ever!

    Your life must be pretty charmed if this is the "worst day ever." My advice is to grow up from this experience; stop snooping through people's phones, stop enabling other people to cheat by sending documents that are not provided by the professor or ...
  17. ABG Value Question

    Yeah I still don't think this is accurate, at least not how I learned to interpret ABGs. When the pH is fully compensated you go with whether the value is closer to being acidosis or alkalosis and in this case it is closer to acidosis so it should be...
  18. ABG Value Question

    Unless I'm missing something I think whatever answer key you are using is incorrect, this is leaning toward acidosis and should be metabolic acidosis. But they are correct that it is fully compensated, anytime the pH is normal and the CO2 and HCO3 ar...
  19. Columbia University MDE Class Hours

    I'm doing the Psych DNP after the MDE! I will be starting the DNP in September of next year. New York life is hard to explain unless you come here yourself, but it is very very busy and different from living anywhere else, especially if you aren't fr...
  20. Feeling Like My Notes Aren't Cutting It

    I print the powerpoints out (3 slides per page) and take notes during class, then rewrite all of my notes into study sheets that are grouped in a way that makes sense to me. Then I go over my study sheets until the material has sunk in and do practic...
  21. Columbia University MDE Class Hours

    Hi, I'm in the MDE program right now. We have class/clinicals Monday-Friday, nothing on the weekends. Classes are typically from 8 am-4 or 5 pm (ish) and clinicals are around 7 am-3:30 pm depending on your clinical instructor. We have simulations in ...
  22. What cheers up when you're having a rough time in NS?

    I don't know that I have specific techniques or anything, but I do think it is super important to relax right before and after an exam. You have to balance studying hard with taking care of yourself and doing things that make you happy and keep you r...
  23. Trouble with A&P I

    First thing, just trying to pass is not going to benefit you later on in nursing school because you need to know anatomy and physiology for your nursing classes. So focus on actually learning the material, not memorizing to pass. But as far as study ...
  24. Nursing school information

    This is another one of those conspiracy theorist people who think nursing schools are trying to steal all of our money and take over the world isn't it? Sigh.
  25. Study aids & tools

    For Med Term I made my own flashcards because writing things out by hand is super helpful in memorizing them. As far as once you're in the nursing program, the Davis Success series is great for practicing NCLEX style questions. And Saunders Comprehen...