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About vhfhflzzz

vhfhflzzz has 3 years experience and specializes in Psych.

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  1. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    Hi Misssrblake! glad to meet another person who will be starting with me. Will you be attending the orientation in
  2. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    If you guys havent yet, consider Drexel university based in Philadelphia. it was one of my back up schools- MSN, been around for a long time, offered entirely online. I believe the deadline is June 1...
  3. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    Hey AANP, are you in
  4. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    I agree with AANP, my nursing GPA is not a whopping 3.8 or 4.0. I feel that they look at your experience (I have 5 years of inpatient experience; 3 different inpatient units, all of which had...
  5. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    Igot the impression that they look at and weigh experience pretty high! Give it another year to try
  6. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    I got in! I was okay but suddenly im more anxious ?? hope you guys can join!! All the best wishes
  7. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    Today is decision day! Anyone hear anything? Im really
  8. I couldnt speak to the quality of the programs. but in terms of chosing the type of degree granted, here are my two cents : I guess it would differ where you are in your life and career. Im in my 5th...
  9. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    Just read through the Vanderbilt thread and the specialty that sent out acceptances already was Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and their deadline was Nov of last year. so it makes...
  10. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    No specifics on which specialty? Im anxious now
  11. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    I'm sure they're going through the initial deadline applicants first, I didnt even know it was extended until I saw this post. that being said have you guys heard back at all by
  12. RUSH BSN-DNP Fall 2019!

    I applied for the same program, submitted application Jan 2nd. I just heard back to schedule the interview and the email said final decisions are made first week of April. did you get an email for...
  13. Failed the NCLEX 5 times. Please Help!

    exactly. I just cant stand the negativity and the blaming on her comments. we don't need that
  14. Failed the NCLEX 5 times. Please Help!

    sorry I just have to comment on this, I've been following this thread and while you've been giving honest feedback- I see that you've also been posting a lot of negativity not only to the author of...
  15. Chicago (+suburbs) pay?

    Hey there fellow nurses :) I am an RN (BSN) looking to relocate to Chicago and had a question about the salary. first off, I am in my 4th year of practice and all have been in psych. According to...