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All Content by Cokeboyg6

  1. I recently applied to various hospitals and received the email stating... Your application is currently under consideration. Due to the high level of interest received in our StaRN Program, there may be a slight delay in our response. You will recei...
  2. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    You can check the fall 2017 classes on the Search page on mdcconnect
  3. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Full-time. Hopefully I'll be placed at Medical Campus
  4. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Full time, however it's night shift luckily
  5. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    No doubt bro. I'll see you over at Medical campus once accepted!
  6. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    I'm around the same boat boat. It's the only program I applied to with a cumulative score of 91%. Spoke to my advisor today and she told me I was nearly guaranteed to get accepted. Advisors aren't much of a reliable source, but it was very reassuring...
  7. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    only science classes count towards your gpa
  8. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Multiply your Hesi score by 0.6 and multiply your your SCIENCE gpa by 10, and add them to get your cumulative score.
  9. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Sure go ahead
  10. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Absolutely not. She is extremely helpful and corny. She goes beyond to teach and guides you every step of the way.
  11. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Yeah. Were you in the 8 am class?
  12. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Fingers crossed í ¾í´ž
  13. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Really? That's the earliest I've heard. They told me to expect feedback around June.
  14. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    We'll receive an email with following directions
  15. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Click the "+" sign that should show each individually and then check each section's average score.
  16. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    You can check your average score on the elvsier site where you created your account. Good job though. I got an 87.4 w/ 3.8 gpa, so you're in good waters.
  17. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    It depends on the application pool, but there have been people with less accepted into he program.
  18. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    The campus is assigned by closest address
  19. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Add up all your science pre reqs grades(0-4) and divide by the total science classes.
  20. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Are you taking Lassiter for intro to healthcare?
  21. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Congrats. Whats your GPA?
  22. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    You'll have a calculator present for the math so I would focus more on chemistry . The hesi book material is roughly similar to the test.
  23. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    It's class attendance hours not the actually work clock hours.class runs about 2 hours meeting once a week.
  24. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    STUDY! Cliche,but strive for all As in your science pre reqs. it'll make a difference competitively.
  25. MDC Nursing Fall 2017

    Think positive and good luck studying hope to see most of you guys this fall