
Sandpiper12 ADN, RN

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All Content by Sandpiper12

  1. Anxiously waiting for the acceptance bus

    Wow, I wish we only had a one week wait! Our applications are due 1 May, but we don't find out until the end of July (or early August)! I have no idea why it takes so long, it's a tiny program, and based on points, gpa, hesi. I hate waiting too. This...
  2. Prerequisites

    I would say your first step is to stop with the negative self talk. You CAN do this!! I'm surprised you don't need chemistry of some sort as well. Personally I wouldn't want to drag it out so long, but since you don't apply until next spring, it wor...
  3. Study advice for Chem 1

    This kills me. He's essentially abusing his position. I'm glad I'm not in his class, at 39, I've dealt with crap like that too many times - and couldn't put up with it.
  4. Agriculture and Nursing

    I think I would tackle one at a time. With clinicals and studying I wouldn't want to take on even more classes. Why not get the bsn, get a job, work on your masters so you can be a CNM, get a CNM job, then, if you have time and the desire, pursue agr...
  5. Study advice for Chem 1

    I would report this professor to the school. That's rediculous. No teacher should tell you not to ask them questions... He works not get a good evaluation from me - and often evals are used to determine tenure. I'm glad you are able to learn from the...
  6. Becoming a nurse

    I would think you would need to retake most of your courses since it has been so long - which you seem OK with. I would contact all the schools in your area that offer a program and find out the requirements, application process, etc. I would let t...
  7. I'm in a similar situation...small town, cohort only starts every OTHER year, and they only accept 10 people. UGG. I've done the best I possibly can (96.8 on my HESI test) and 3.93 GPA...taking all the pre-reqs that give me points, etc. But it sti...
  8. Is 35 too old to start from Scratch?

    I'm really curious why some think 35 is too old? Like real reasons. I know personally, I have much better time management skills now than in my 20s, I study harder, and enjoy school more now that I'm not thinking about the social aspect. I'm 39 and ...
  9. Is 35 too old to start from Scratch?

    Really? I'm 39, have two kids who are now in school, and I'm loving being back in school! I stayed at home with my babies, now it's time for me. This will be my second degree.
  10. Spring 2017 Chat

    Yes!! Had to take an oral communication last semester and it was terrible!
  11. Retaking the Hesi A2 Entrance exam...

    Different schools require different portions, but all of the subjects are: Math Grammer Reading comprehension Vocabulary Biology Chemistry Anatomy and physiology Physics (I haven't seen any nursing student that has had to take this, but I suppose may...
  12. How old is everyone?

    Go for it! 39 here... I have a BS from 2001, and a lot of my science/math/gen Ed transferred. And then the was a lot that transferred as electives. I am finishing up a few pre/co requisites this semester (took classes last server too).
  13. Well my HESI A2 exam is tomorrow

    @Sean - strange that you didn't have a timer! It wasn't obvious on the screen, and I really only glanced at it a few times. I really needed to do well on the HESI- the program that I'm applying to is only offered every other year, and they only take...
  14. Well my HESI A2 exam is tomorrow

    Thought I'd add on to your post - I posted this on another earlier, and I'll try to answer some of the questions above as well. I took the HESI A2 on the 12th of January. There is a basic calculator. Also, the is a 4.5 hr time limit (there is a coun...
  15. Spring 2017 Chat

    HESI done!!!!! 96.83 overall... I took Math, bio, chem, a&p, reading comprehension, Grammer, vocab. I posted about it in another thread, if anyone is curious about more details, I'll copy it over here. Pretty much used the Eselvier 4th edition bo...
  16. HESI A2 entrance exam!!

    Hi! Just took the HESI today! There is a basic calculator. Also, the is a 4.5 hr time limit (there is a count down timer on the test). It took me about 2.5 hrs, here are the sections I took: 96.8 overall Math 100 - lots of fractions, percents. A few ...
  17. How old is everyone?

    39!! Graduated from college with my first bachelor's in 2001... Have 2 kids in elementary school now!
  18. Spring 2017 Chat

    Thank you! I think I'll be focusing on A&P a bit more now! Stinks that the math is type in your answer! But, that's my best subject - just need to take my time. I know I need to go over hormone/gland information - That always messes me up!
  19. Spring 2017 Chat

    Chance010507 Your post has me nervous about taking the HESI this week! I have to take Math, Grammer, Vocab, Reading Comp, Biology, Chemistry,and A&P! I've been studying using the Pocket Prep App, HESI prep book, Trivium book and a practice test...
  20. Spring 2017 Chat

    Hello! New to this forum! Applying to a nursing program that starts this Fall. This semester I'm taking: A&P II Microbiology Lifespan development Science of nutrition Have the HESI A2 next week, and I only get one time to take it... Can only...