Hello Nursing Community,
I didn't know where to place this comment, but I'm mad as dkk'adoiuthabhh;ae! I have been accused by my upper division writing Professor that I have been abusive to her in my emails. Here is the story, I was suppose to take my midterm on the 21st of May. I usually plan my week according to my school, work, court and family life. I am a single mom of eight (not all eight live @ home anymore only five). I am in my last quarter @ a University and will be applying to Nursing school this Winter. Well, I am taking my last writing class of my entire life. I have been doing great in the class. Anyways, on the 21st when the Professor was suppose to have the midterm available online for a 24 hour period, I woke up @ 5:00 in the morning to take the exam. The exam was not posted. I went to the disscusion board to post something to the other students to find out what happen to the midterm, many of the students didn't see the posting either. I look from 5-8 o'clock am and nothing was posted, don't you think if the professor gave us a 24 hour period to complete this, she would have posted this midterm @ 12am in the morning:specs:. Well, let me continue, I went on the compter again at nine and she posted an announcement saying that she posted it again and reset the exam, and she would have to talk to the computer techs at the school. I was so upset:angryfire, since I knew the next day I had to be up @ 7:30am for lab and I had a chemistry midterm. I was in no condition to take her midterm on Friday the 22nd. Anyways, I called to talk to the Dept. Chair about this situation, instead I talked with the secretary about it, she said that my professor was in her office. I talk to my professor and she said that she would give me an extended time on my midterm, 6:00pm, so after my midterm in chem I went to the learning center on campus and logged in at the front desk to take the exam. The exam was only two hours, so I set my ipod touch and made sure I had enough to send it over. The professor wanted us to send the midterm through her email, that was different, because most of our assignment are sent over to her in a word document, but this time we had to send it over using her edu address. I thought this was weird since I never use this feature sending any documents over. Well, I finished at the right amount of time and send it over. I sent her and email telling her that I sent it over and to please let me know when she received it. She wrote me back Saturday morning tell me she didn't receive anything, so I tried to resend, this time she got the attachment. She told me I sent it to her @ 11:00pm 3 times. I didn't send the email over @ 11:00pm. I sent it over @ 8:00am . I guess since it was my first time doing this I didn't send the attachement in the right way at the first attempt. I was on a time restriction so I was so nervous. She said that my midterm was 9 hours late. I was angry!! I wrote her back and told her that I will resolve this with the Dept Chair. Many times throughout the quarter she displayed inconsitency,one time I wanted to see her @ her office hours, she posted on her announcements that she would have office hours for students needing help. I went to the office hours, she wasn't even in her office. Well in her email she stated that she feels abused by me. i am so upset I can't believe this is happening. I have been doing well all quarter. The professor is making it seems that I am lying. I am to old now to be playing games. I just don't know what to do. I have been getting 90's and 80's in this class. I have to do something I only have 3 wks left in the quarter.