

This is my 4th baby and i feel like its my first. This pregnancy is completely different to my other 3, which were all similar. With this one i vomited alot for 7 weeks, was off work for that length of time too due to the vomiting. Then at 17 weeks had a bit of p.v spotting, just advised to rest, another week off work 2 weeks after that midwife couldnt find heart beat so had to have emergency scan...all was ok. Now im 24 weeks and slight p.v spotting again. went to labour ward got checked out no sign of p.v bleeding, had problems again finding heart beat but eventually found it, all ok. Was checked out by obs doc and said all is ok and dont know why spotting as first thought it was an erosion. just rest, another week off work. Dont have haemorrhoids or varicous veins. well today have my antenatal with midwife had slight spotting this week but nothing really bad. Anyone got any ideas why this keeps happening? Im due to go back to work this week but to be honest worried incase something happens as i still spot very slightly at times. The baby is very active and i feel quite well but im constantly worried. i seem to be going to the toilet frequently just to check all is ok. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Where is the placenta? No previa right? I hope you are ok......but feel reassured. All signs point to a healthy pregnancy so far. Some do spot a bit in pregnancy, due to a variety of reasons. If you are concerned, it's important your midwife answer all your questions to your understanding. Try not to worry too much, if they say it's ok. It is a different pregnancy to be sure. Just hang in there and best wishes. I am here for you! Do NOT be afraid to keep asking the same questions til you understand all answers! HUGS.

Thanks smilingblueyes. At my antenatal all was well measured 26 cm and im 25 weeks tomorrow. She said it is slightly bigger than average but probably will settle down. I can go back to work this week but to take it easy..ha ha ha i said i do 14 hr shifts on a paeds ward and this is our busy time, but nevertheless girls i work with are fab! I am alot more happier with my pregnancy and im determind to enjoy the rest of of it.

oh by the way no there was no placenta previa luckily

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I am reassured to hear there is no previa. I say, try not to worry too much. Just report changes as they arise. I wish you the best pregnancy and delivery and also healthy baby!

I know exactly what you're feeling like. My fourth pregnancy was so different than the other 3. The only complication I had with #1 and 3 was PIH. None with #2. Then #4 comes along and at 17 weeks I start to bleed. No reason found. But when doing the ultrasound for the bleeding they find a cyst in the brain (can't remember what it is called). We had to see a specialist who thought the cyst was benign and would resolve. Baby grew to be big, was delivered 2 weeks early and was 8#13oz (I am only 5 ft tall). Had jaundice and a bili of 31 a week after delivery. Ended back in the hospital for 3 days. It goes on and on. The funny thing is she is the one who has given us the most problems from a behavioural standpoint also. If she had been a first child she would have been an only child. That must have been why she was given to us as our fourth. I just can't wait until she is a teenager:uhoh3:

Choroid plexus cysts? Usually they resolove. Glad to hear all turned out ok.

mermaid4, you got it right on the button. Thanks for helping me remember.

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