pro life to work in ER OR OB

Nurses General Nursing


I had made a post about this earlier. I would like to go into nursing, but am against abortion completely at all times, I am Catholic, and I would never ever take part in an abortion procedure, nor would i want to care for someone immediately after they had the procedure becuase without me there to do that, the abortion couldnt have happened, so in a way i am still contributing to the abortion. I will make this clear from the start, If somebody had an abortion a year prior or a month prior or whatever else of course i would still care for them. As long as i am not being responsible for that abortion happening,, I could still care for them.

Alot of people said, that is fine just don't work in the ER, OR, OB/GYN areas.. but truthfully i would like to work in all of these areas more then others.... is this possible?

Note: I do not feel that it is any of my business if my patient had an abortion in the past and i would never treat anybody differently becuase they had one in the past. I just need to know that when i sleep at night I am doing the right thing and not going against my beliefs and I think that i deserve those rights..

Thanks for your input! i would love to hear from other pro life nurses most of all and any experiences you have had with this

I am in my field experience for teaching, same as clinicals for nursing, i am not a hired teacher yet. My post WAS to seek advice on something that ws important to me from people who are knowledgeable about what i was asking, but then it turned into an attacking me for being pro life kinda thing, and accusing me of being judgemental. My student teaching placement is part of my degree, same as clinicals, i am finished in a week then i go back to my own courses. So that was an assumption on your part, I am not teaching full time i am a student teacher,,, i graduate in May. What point are you trying to make by all of this? There are many people in the world that get more than one degree or have two professions that are important to them. There is nothing wrong with that and it is not your place to judge,

I am not in school for NURSING.... i am in school for Music Education. Chill. Really, wow, people really like to make something out of nothing! All of a sudden im a full time teacher taking a double university courseload and am judgemental and have no integrity,,, really, wow.

I never said that you were a teacher. My point is that you are 23 and already thinking of another career before you even finished the one you are working on.

I don't believe I have attacked you about your being pro-life. I think it is fine to be however you wish.

If you wanted advice on what being pro-life in nursing was about you could have easily asked that without religion playing a role or your opinion on birth control. I told you in a previous post that YOU chose what you are able to deal with and that you find a job within those perameters.

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