Private duty nursing.. looking for change

Nurses Career Support


If anyone is in private duty nursing or has been, if you switched to something else, what do you do now? I want to make a switch but I feel stuck in PDN

Specializes in Home Health, PDN, LTC, subacute.

Following. In the same boat. 

Elektra6 said:

Following. In the same boat. 

okay good to know I'm not alone ? I've looked into aesthetics, lasers, IV therapy certification courses. I'm just not sure how to advance my career from here like you can in other areas of nursing. 

I became a school nurse after private duty nursing. It was so nice - day shifts, no weekends, easy to take days off, no guilt trips about aforementioned days off, lots of training opportunities.

There are a couple different kinds of school nurses too where I worked - the population based nurse (whole schools, infection control, and case management for students with DM, severe allergies, asthma, and seizures), the 1-on-1 nurse (for those medically fragile kiddos), and the complex needs nurse (who coordinated care for the more medically complex students).

I work on a medical floor in a hospital now because we've moved and I couldn't find a similar job - and I miss my school nurse job a lot... just a thought, especially if you were working with medically fragile children like I was.

Same.. following

Specializes in Homehealth.

I am currently changing. I have worked in private home-health with Pediatric clients on and off for most of my 20 year nursing career. I keep coming back. It is the least stressful nursing job with the right family. But it is not without its issues. I am currently leaving both my cases and going to try and work for a clinic. I am not happy with this career anymore. Patient care is getting to me. One is in a vegetative state and very heavy. The other is a baby and the "playing" all day is not my thing. And the family has expectations of watching their other kids, dog and cleaning their house. The other nurse cleans for them, so it's expected. And family outings  ....I don't like that at all. I think I am burnt out. It seems families are looking for a "babysitter" or "maid.” And I think that bothers me. Not to mention the benefits are terrible. No sick days or hardly any PTO time. 
Have you tried a doctors office or clinic? They are paying better now. And definitely more benefits and stability. 

I love PDN , why do you want a change?

Specializes in Homehealth.

Hello Lina!


The instability is an issue for me. And the benefits aren't that great. Around 40 hours a year PTO. No sick days. I think they just started matching 401 k, which is a plus. But I can't really afford to contribute with my current pay. 

I got offered a job at the VA clinic. 2 week PTO and 2 week sick days. But there is a long commute there and back. And its 5 days a week. The pay is $2 more an hour. I am so torn on what to do. Any advice?

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