Pressure in my bum-relieve?


Hi! I am 31 weeks and for a couple days I have had pressure in my bum. Tonight though, it is SO uncomfotable. I feel the need to walk all the time and no matter how many positions I change into, I cannot get it to go away. Any tips? I seriously feel like there is a watermelon trying to come out of my butt!

Sorry for the details-just would really like to get comfy!

Specializes in Neuro/Med-Surg/Oncology.

Call your OB/Midwife! Just a student here, but one important thing that I learned was that urge to push can be mistaken for urge to have a BM. A good friend of mine had four 34 to 36 weekers (all perfectly healthy btw). She just felt a little pressure and the urge to have a bm. After daughter #1, everyone realized what was going on and she took Tributeline (sp?) to gain the extra one to two weeks.

It may very well be constipation or the baby dropping, but better safe than sorry.

Good luck to you!

Call your OB/Midwife! Just a student here, but one important thing that I learned was that urge to push can be mistaken for urge to have a BM. A good friend of mine had four 34 to 36 weekers (all perfectly healthy btw). She just felt a little pressure and the urge to have a bm. After daughter #1, everyone realized what was going on and she took Tributeline (sp?) to gain the extra one to two weeks.

It may very well be constipation or the baby dropping, but better safe than sorry.

Good luck to you!

Thanks for the advice! I had been concerned b/c it has been a few days, so I did call my Dr. tonight b/c I had noticed a couple other things that seemed off(like my stomach would tighten up every time the pressure became really painful & my discharge had gone from milky white to fairly clear, plus nausea with headache)-but she told me to just take a couple tylenol. So I figure fine, but I really want to be able to sleep tonight! I am so exhausted b/c I have been up all night with the discomfort for the past couple of nights. I don't have tylenol (like she suggested) so I am hoping someone may have some advice on other ways to get it to go away.

Thanks again!

Well honey, sounds to me like you might have that baby! I had that too. It IS uncomfortable....and after I went to the hospital cause of the pressure, they sent me home. At 5:30 am my water broke!!! SO you might be in the early stages of labor. Good luck....and keep us posted!!! :)

Being the cautious one that I am....I'd say go to the L&D unit and be checked.

They can put you on monitoring...see if, how much you're contracting...maybe do a couple of other tests (I have a couple specifically in mind) "just to be sure". Then you could go home with peace of mind and take your Tylenol....or deal with whatever's going on....:coollook:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Go to dr/midwife/hospital to rule out labor first off. Also, remember, It COULD be the baby is sitting low and posterior, on or touching on your sciatic nerve tract......that can be VERY uncomfortable, as I recall. My son was posterior right til birth, and it was torture.

If not in labor, you can try knee-chest positioning over a pillow or ball or ottoman, getting pressure/gravity off that site. Also warm moist compresses and gentle counter-pressure massage to the bum may help you, too.

Wish you well, and I hope it's not labor quite yet. Let us know how you are. Hang in there.

Specializes in Home Health Care,LTC.

I agree just to make sue go get it checked out. I had premies so I would go myself. Keep us posted and good luck.


Thanks everyone! I will keep you posted! I hope that whatever it may be that it can wait until morning! My husband is working b/c we are having some light freezing rain and he works the state dep't of trans. & I have a 19 month old with nobody to watch her for me!

Again, thanks for the warm thoughts and I will go first thing in the morning and let you know!

Well, I am fine. They said that I a little dehyrated so that is irritating my uterus & my cervix is ripe but not everything is ok for now.

Thanks again everyone for the help!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

good. Stay hydrated as much as possible. Drink 2 liters of water/day at least. rest as much as possible and try those positions I told you of, if you feel this again. It really does work. HUGS!

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

awwwwwwwwwwww.... we have a wee one on the way !!! baby2_2.gif

I am so excited !!! :) :)

A new cyber grandbaby for me ! :D

Specializes in Home Health Care,LTC.

Glad it is only dehydration but make sure you get your plenty of fluids and rest, rest, rest. I know it's easier said than done. But be thankful you are not on bedrest. I ended up on bedrest from 6 months on. Talk about a long pregnacy.

Take care and keep us posted


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