Published Oct 22, 2005
195 Posts
I live near a technical college and community college which offer pre reqs needed for nursing. The technical college is right up the road from my apt but the community college is in another town and their schedule conflicts with my work schedule.
Would it be wise to take pre reqs at a technical college? The two schools are accredicated by the same association
I am not sure if I want to go for an ADN or BSN in Nursing since I already have a BBA in Management and IT
58 Posts
I live near a technical college and community college which offer pre reqs needed for nursing. The technical college is right up the road from my apt but the community college is in another town and their schedule conflicts with my work schedule.Would it be wise to take pre reqs at a technical college? The two schools are accredicated by the same associationI am not sure if I want to go for an ADN or BSN in Nursing since I already have a BBA in Management and IT
I'd also like to see any replies. I have a BA in Sociology and I'm thinking of tanking a CNA class work for a little and then take the LPN or the AD in Nursing. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks. :wink2:
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
Be very careful taking any classes at a technical or vocational school with the idea of transfering them later to an NLN accredited nursing program. The best way to know if your prospective community college will take courses from XYZ Technical college in transfer is to talk to a counselor at your intended community college. Can't you take a vacation day or a half day off to make a visit to the community college? Call first to get an appointment with a counselor, so your trip will be productive.
27 Posts
I agree with the other poster. Make sure the credits from the tech school will transfer, most do not. I would stick with the community college or see below.
If you want to take CNA classes, the Red Cross offers them at a much lower cost than a tech school. Go to the Red Cross web site, the info is there.
Good Luck.
1,007 Posts
The technical college I'm looking at doing my LPN at has a transfer arrangement with the local community college for SOME classes, but not all. I haven't checking into it because I already have most of my RN prereq's.
daisybaby, LPN
223 Posts
I have a BA in Sociology as well. When I decided to go to nursing school, I spent one year in an ADN program (just to make sure nursing was for me). I then transferred to a private 4-year program. Since I already had the gen ed and electives transferred from my BA, I was able to get my BSN in no time by taking just the nursing and science sequences.
Take your transcripts to both ADN and BSN schools, and ask them to draw up a courseplan for you. Find out how long it will take to get each degree (you may find BSN takes only one or two more semsesers).
Some schools also offer a 'fast track' program for nursing students with prior bahelor degrees (my school had one but dropped it shortly after I enrolled; I'd have had my degree a semester earlier if they had kept the program like they said they would- but that's a whole different post).
Whatever you choose to do, go for it! I found my dual degrees complement each other nicely. Not only do I have a knack for appreciating the family dynamics of my patients, I think I have a keen eye in understanding the group processes that happen within our unit. Good luck!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Make sure they are transferrable and in the correct number of credit hours your school needs prior to getting into them.
Good luck.
1 Post
I agree with the other poster. Make sure the credits from the tech school will transfer, most do not. I would stick with the community college or see below.If you want to take CNA classes, the Red Cross offers them at a much lower cost than a tech school. Go to the Red Cross web site, the info is there.Good Luck.
hi im looking forward to getting a bsn. I wanted to start as cna so that i can quit my mechanic job and get a cna part time while i go to school for bsn. but now i know that there's a program in technical college to help with the pre-reqs (which is cheaper there) for a bsn. could you give me info on what program that is. what do you recomend????im all ears