Pre req's- grossmont vs national university-san diego


Ok so I have been off and on in community college...taking breaks...having babies, getting married, new jobs, living life. All general ed for my ASN is complete EXCEPT for the pre req's which I have been putting off be honest? They intimidate me! Im going to take chemestry for summer and am so nervous. How hard are the anatomy, physiology, and micrbiology? The only other thing that worries me is that I wont be able to take more than 1 class per semester. I work full time, and have 2 children. It was even hard for me to take algebra & english together...let alone two bio classes. I feel so discouraged but I know that this is what I want... and it's always what I wanted. Another thing is the wait list!!! I know there's not enough staff but it makes it that much harder. I was thinking of going to apply to National University but im scared...I hear it's too fast paced?? But they did tell me there is no "wait list" to start nursing courses...not sure how true that is?? The only other reason why I thought of Grossmont is because they have night & weekends. Im the bread winner in my family so I cant quit my job and I have great benefits for myself, hubby, and children. Im so worried Im not capable of going to nursing school and working full time. Please some encouragement? :bowingpur Has anyone sucessfully finished nursing school & worked full-time???

Specializes in ICU.

You know how much you can handle given your current work and family situation. If you feel comfortable with only one class per semester, then that's what you should do.

The word has been out on National for quite a while. They have many more students applying for that program than they accept. You can take your pre-reqs there without being enrolled in the nursing program, however.

I wouldn't put all your eggs in two baskets. You can apply for other community colleges and nursing programs. Give yourself the best chance to get in a program by applying to all the programs you can, and once you're in, dig into it.

There have been lots of married moms and single moms who work and go to school in my programs. Some people quit their normal jobs and work as a CNA when they're in school. It tends to be more flexible than most corporate day jobs.

Specializes in ICU.

Also, I should say there are other programs that have night/weekend classes. You really have to call around and ask which schools are currently offering that option.

Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.

Hey chargersbaby I live in San Diego too! :) Perhaps a moderator could move this thread to the California forum?

I just graduated from an LVN program, Grossmont Health Occupations Center in Santee. I figured I could get into Grossmont College faster if I went the LVN route. I too was really scared of taking hard pre-req courses and then starting nursing school because everyone said how hard nursing school was. I just took my A&P courses one semster at a time and will take Microbiology this summer. One of the instructors at Grossmont said that summer students do very well because they only concentrate on one thing.

Yeah definitely start on those pre-reqs this summer (or soon) because you will be sorry for putting it off because the wait list gets longer and longer. It was only 18 months when I first wanted to start nursing and now it's 4 years. You get in faster than that but generally people take their pre-reqs first and get on the wait list and then take all their general ed courses while waiting.

Southwestern College wait list is only 2 years. City is like Grossmont and is 4 but everyone says you get in sooner than they tell you. If you feel that it will be too hard to take many courses just complete them one semester at a time.

Good luck and keep going! :D

Specializes in ICU.

/waves hello to Fairewand :)

I did the LVN route first as well. To give you an idea of how timing has worked out for me:

-started LVN school Jan 06 (this was a full-time program during the day, I finished pre-reqs at night)

-ran out of savings in Jan 07, worked as a CNA for about 5 months until I got my LVN license (GREAT experience)

-finished LVN school in Feb 07

-took NCLEX mid-April 07

-received license mid-June 07, started working as an LVN

-applied to 3 community colleges for LVN-RN step up in July 07 (cause I was lame and lazy after all that school and the NCLEX)

-heard from Grossmont Aug 07

-took TEAS Sept 07, passed, Grossmont sent me acceptance letter

-also heard from City and Southwestern around this time with indications (not confirmations) that I had a spot for Spring/Summer 2008

-started Grossmont end of January 2008

So, you can see the process can speed along more quickly than you might think. :)

Specializes in ICU.

-received license mid-June 07, started working as an LVN

-applied to 3 community colleges for LVN-RN step up in July 07 (cause I was lame and lazy after all that school and the NCLEX)


Um, I mean I was lazy about sending in my apps to the community colleges. I should have sent them in right away, not delayed them by a month.

Omg 4 Years????? Wow That's Crazy... An Old Friend Of Mine Told Me 2 Years...she Just Started Nursing School Last Year!! Omg Thats Horrible. Do You Know If Any Other San Diego Community Colleges Offer Night & Weekend Classes?

Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.

um no because I haven't checked them out, just Grossmont because that is closer to me. And I definitely recommend that you do your pre-reqs at the CC instead of National because National charges even more for science courses. Like an extra $600 lab fee.

So your friend got in in 2 years? That's pretty good. How long was the wait list when she got on it? They tell you longer because so many names are on the wait list but people get discouraged and go elsewhere and also people put their names on all the CC lists and of course only accept at one. Or people go the faster route like Maric or National.

Just keep plugging away and you'll get there. :)

Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.
/waves hello to Fairewand :)

I did the LVN route first as well. To give you an idea of how timing has worked out for me:

-started LVN school Jan 06 (this was a full-time program during the day, I finished pre-reqs at night)

-ran out of savings in Jan 07, worked as a CNA for about 5 months until I got my LVN license (GREAT experience)

-finished LVN school in Feb 07

-took NCLEX mid-April 07

-received license mid-June 07, started working as an LVN

-applied to 3 community colleges for LVN-RN step up in July 07 (cause I was lame and lazy after all that school and the NCLEX)

-heard from Grossmont Aug 07

-took TEAS Sept 07, passed, Grossmont sent me acceptance letter

-also heard from City and Southwestern around this time with indications (not confirmations) that I had a spot for Spring/Summer 2008

-started Grossmont end of January 2008

So, you can see the process can speed along more quickly than you might think. :)

/waves back! :)

wow nice! My micro class will be this summer then I can apply and am hoping to get in for January 2009. Keeping my fingers crossed! Gotta pass that NCLEX first! :uhoh21:

One thing good about National is that u can domicro without the chemistry prereq =) .. so basically u knock out two classes within a month for 1k, rather two classes within two semesters..

and this option is good if your chemistry credit passed the expiration date and u dont want to take over again.

I did all my sciences (except General Biology) through National University. I have two children: a 3 year year old and a 7 month old, and let me tell you it was 100% doable!! I applied to NU's BSN program last month as well as the rest of the community colleges and now I just have the long wait to find out if I am accepted.

I think the classes at NU are a million times better than going to a JC. Maybe they are harder, but they are condensed and you are completely done in 6 months. I really made such good pals/study groups in there and everyone was around my age (25) and were more studious then people you might come across at a commnity college.

Don't get me wrong, I loved community college, but people at National are so dedicated to their studies and almost everyone in my class had at least a Bachelors. There were even Ph.D's in my class!

Anyhow...I highly recommend National and thats all I have to say about that :)

Specializes in med/surg/tele/neuro/rehab/corrections.

SDMamma has a good point. :) NU can be way faster. It took me several years to do my pre-reqs. I only wanted to do one at a time. Now I still have one left.

Condensed classes might be the way to go. I took my A&P in the summer so I could concentrate on one thing. The instructor said summer students do much better because they are serious students.

Either way keep us updated and don't give up the dream! If I had given up my dream 4 years ago when I wanted to become a nurse I would still be doing nothing today. So yeah I took a long time but at least I'm plugging away at my dream and I've graduated LVN and looking forward to doing LVN-RN bridge. :nurse:

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