Published May 13, 2017
JillybeansRN2B, ADN, CNA, RN
19 Posts
Hi! I've been accepted into the nursing program for this upcoming fall! Yay!! I have a question maybe someone has dealt with something similar. I got all my titers back and was negative on my varicella, so I had to get the booster. Well my pharmacist said there isn't a booster and to repeat the series which is fine, except I have to wait 4 weeks and then titer again which takes 5 days to come back. And puts me right at the deadline for everything to be turned in. My question is has anyone gotten the first part of the vaccine and came out with a positive for the titer? I've had the vaccine years ago...
guest042302019, BSN, RN
4 Articles; 466 Posts
Unsure about testing positive. However, I would contact the nursing program director or whomever your contact is in the nursing program. Tell them your dilemma and make sure they are in the loop. Don't leave anything up to chance. The nursing program is HIGHLY structured and I would hate for you to miss out on anything over a silly vaccine. Good Luck!
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Contact the school. My one titer was gone. I had to get the series of HepB again. The director allowed us in (per policy) as long as anyone needing to get or revaccinste had their second shot.
There is likely policy if you previously had the vaccine and are now equivocal or non-reactive
This is from the CDC. Routine Varicella Vaccination | For Providers | CDC
I actually called her Thursday and played a bit of phone tag, so I emailed her instead. She told me to ask my doctor which I did and she didn't know the answer either. So its a waiting game to find out if it will be okay and if she will wait the extra day or so, I know during orientation she told us that if everything wasn't submitted by June 15th we were cut from the program. all things except for the hep b vaccine because the series can take up to 6 months to complete. It really just sucks waiting and being on edge. I know I can't be the only person who has tittered negative and had to repeat the series but she can't seem to recall a student in the past that had has this happen.
The website even says that the test may come up negative after the second vaccine, so I'm not sure how that will go. I'm guessing as long as I have had both series and STILL titer negative they will let me in. We will see.
Kuriin, BSN, RN
967 Posts
I had to get the Varicella vaccine 3 times while in nursing school, because my body never mounted an immune response. All you need to do is be responsible and START the series and show proof that you are doing so.
Another good source for info is to calm your local health department's public health nurse
verene, MSN
1,793 Posts
In my program if you can show proof of starting the series it isn't an issue for things that can take time (e.g. we had to show proof of at least 1st hep B vaccine, and complete the subsequent doses in timely fashion with proof). However it would be best to contact your program director to find out the specific policy at your school.
60 Posts
My school was the same - if no immunity was detected, you only needed proof of starting the series.