What TEAS score did you get & did you get accepted in the nursing program?


I took the TEAS exam this morning and got an adjusted individual score of 89.4% overall. I got a 97.5 on reading, 97.8 on math, 83.3 on science, and 83.6 on the English.

I currently have a GPA of 4.0 and I am taking the 3 prereqs for the nursing program now..which are English Comp I, General Psychology, and A&P I.

I have to attend a health information session tomorrow after which I can apply for the internal transfer into the (ADN) Nursing program out of health sciences-general studies.

I am super nervous about the whole process and really hope it all goes well. I am just wondering what scores everyone got on their TEAS and if you got accepted or not into your program.


*Nervous Nellie*

hey everyone i got my scores but i did not do that great. i passed in english ande science. how did everyone study for the math and reading comp?? any books besides the ati study guide did u guys use? let me know please :) i havent started studying or reviewing fori t again wtihout seeing if there are other options out there. let me know thanks!

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How you guys all have done well! I hope that your good scores rub off on me.

anyone can help? any other books out there besides ati??

let me knoww i have to start studying for my reading and math

I only took the TEAS once, I know if I had taken it again I would have certainly gotten a better score. That science is what killed me.

My adjusted individual score was 84.7%

Reading: 92.5%

Math: 84.4%

Science: 73.3%

English: 85.5%

I was actually really unhappy with my results, I didn't spend much time studying and I should have done better.

But, I had a 4.0 GPA and was accepted into the ASN program at my local community college. So I guess all's well that ends well. :) Still, if I had to do it over again I would definitely spend more time studying to save myself the stress.

well congrats. i need a certrtain percentage to get in to this nursing program and so far i passed the science and english but i need a 56 % for math and 61.9 for the reading comprehension. how did you study?

let me know any tips

thanks so much:nurse:

Hi Everyone,

I'm new here, I have enjoyed all your post. I am taking my TEAS on Sept. 10 very nervous. so I have 19days to study, just recieved my study material yesterday. so from this point on, my family knows not to bother me.

I will take all advice andhelp I can get. Math is my biggest fear.


well congrats. i need a certrtain percentage to get in to this nursing program and so far i passed the science and english but i need a 56 % for math and 61.9 for the reading comprehension. how did you study?

let me know any tips

thanks so much:nurse:

Brush up on metric conversions and ratios. Those are the only things that I remember struggling with on the math portion. The rest I thought was pretty basic.

anyone can help? any other books out there besides ati??

let me knoww i have to start studying for my reading and math

I have not taken the TEAS yet, but the McGraw-Hill's Nursing School Entrance Exams book is supposed to be a good resource. I have been studying the math section of this book, and it breaks down the steps really well. This book also contains a section on reading comprehension, but I do not know how this section compares with what is covered on the TEAS.

i hate math.

alot of the math portion i felt were percentages and decimals and maybe 2 algebraic problenms...the reading comp is hard and difficult. screw it i am juts gonnar ead the book starting this week.

i took it twice. made a study guide right after i took it the first time. its on my comp at home, il see if i can post it later.. but i would deff recommend the mcgraw hilll book

now iam really nervous, i really hate math as well, some of the practice test that come with the ATI book, i found the reading comp to be difficult, never sure what they are asking for.OMG

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