Pre-med or Nursing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I've recently come to an impasse in my choice of undergrad major. Do I really want to be a nurse or do I want to go to med school and be an orthopedic (or trauma) surgeon?

Nursing is on the one hand, a much shorter career track, even with a B.S.N. I like the idea of one on one time with patients and making them and their families feel comfortable, etc. On the other hand, as a nurse I don't get to do much hands-on work with surgeries. There's always been a part of me who wants to experience that thrill of performing a successful operation (cutting, suturing, etc.)

I really am fascinated by surgeries and every time I think of just being the person who hands the doctor his tools instead of being the one in charge, it makes me a little sad/disappointed.

What I'm wondering is will I truly enjoy nursing as much as I would being a doctor or a surgeon? I don't want to feel I'm settling for something or being less than I could be (not that nursing isn't a great and rewarding career choice). I just don't want to look back and think, what if.. Any thoughts on this?

That's a really good question! I'm wondering if you just started or are still continuing your college education? I ask because like dranger said you would have to take some pretty science heavy courses like ochem, and if you don't mind physics either then that's great! If you have taken physics, chemistry , biology courses and did very well in them and also maintained a good GPA I say go for the med route( I don't mean to be harsh). And on top of a good GPA you must have a great MCAT score, depending on your score it will determine if you are competitive for DO or MD school. It is competitive to apply to both. I know someone whose going through the process of applying to med school. I personally dont like physics so..... Hahaha. I also think like others said you should volunteer and shadow if you have the chance.

Good luck to you in your studies!

OP - May not be a bad thing to consider but there are also programs out there to become a surgical tech.

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