Published Aug 13, 2013
5 Posts
Have you ever been so excited you made a in the low 70's on some practice what do you do TELL SOMEBODY...RIGHT!!!! Their response "but that's really close to failing...". You try to explain well there's a lot of nursing information, it's unrealistic to be expected to remember it all, we learn as work and will be constantly learning for the rest of our careers, its a really hard test...its not necessarliary the percent of right vs wrong as the percent of higher level questions you get correct...they don't understand.
Wannabe RN vs General Public
mid 60's "I'm okay with that".... "That's failing..."
low 70's "I feel more comfortable".... "That's almost failing I just want you to pass"
upper 70's "Wow, I'm so proud of myself, I don't think I
could do much better"..."That's good, try for 80% to be really prepared"
mid 80's "Yeah right, that must be a typo"..."Now you're getting it"
okay so that's a joke...kind of. I really do deal with this my boyfriend(7 years, 3 kids--basically married) and I know he just doesn't want me to fail again for multiple different reason...but trying to explain to someone that a nurse that takes care of human lives is doing good to make a 70....or the more realistic issue; I'm going to take a test that's costing 300 dollars+ hoping a 70 will carry me through. This has happened multiple times, I think I will just rejoice on the boards for now own.