Published Jun 1, 2007
67 Posts
Hi there,
Any PP nurses who know medical spanish or who are spanish-speaking, would you be able to help me out here? Or direct me to somewhere on the web...
Just started out in a PP unit and I'd like to be able to get some better Spanish skills on board. Thanks.
For example, how would you say (in simple yet understandable terms) things like:
-are you breastfeeding or formula feeding?
-have you breastfed the baby recently (within the last two hours)?
-any dirty diapers? stool or urine?
-anything else you might want to throw in
-have you urinated? Have you had a bowel movement?
-please call me when you want to go to the BR so I can assist you.
-I'm going to palpate your uterus.
-I'm massaging your uterus.
-have you had more bleeding?
-what is your pain scale 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain?
Just wanted some input. Thanks so much!
1,907 Posts
Here's what I say...
Le da pecho o botella?
Amamanto el bebe en las ultimas dos horas?
panales (pampers) sucios? de poo poo (evacuacion) o orina?
-Are you hungry? Tiene hambre?
-Are you thirsty? Tiene sed?
-Do you want water or juice? Quiere agua o jugo?
-Are you hot/cold? Tiene calor/frio?
-Do you need help? Necesita ayuda?
-Please let me know if you have to use more than a pad per hour.
Por favor digame si usa mas de una toalla en una hora.
-Can I listen to your heart/ lungs?
Puedo escuchar el corazon/ los pulmones?
-I am going to take some blood from your baby's foot to check the blood sugar.
Le voy a sacar sangre del pie al bebe para determinar el azucar de la sangre.
Orino? Hizo poo poo? (someone can tell me if they know a better phrase... I was told ca ca was more equivalent to 'sh*t' so I don't use it)
Llamame por favor si quiere ir al bano asi que puedo ayudarte.
-I'm going to palpate your uterus. Please lie down.
Voy a chequar su utero (usually I just say estomago (stomach)... I don't think some of my patients really know or use the word uterus) or Necesito examinarle el utero. Por favor acuestese.
-I need to massage your uterus.
Necesito darle un masaje en la region del utero (estomago).
Ha tenido mas sangre?
-what is your pain scale 0-10 with 10 being the worst pain?
Como es su dolor entre cero y diez si cero es nada de dolor y diez es lo peor dolor que pueda imaginar?
here are some more terms:
allergy - alergia
at least - por lo menos
each day - cada dia
enough - suficiente
grandmother/father - abuela/o
how long - cuanto tiempo
how many times - cuantas veces
how many - cuantos
how much - cuanto
husband - esposo
it's important - es importante
it's necessary - es necesario
mecication - medicina
mother in law - suegra
nurse - enfermera
nino - boy
nina -girl
hermanos/-as - brothers/sisters
usually - usualmente
you're welcome - de nada
baby blues - tristeza posparto
burp your baby - eructe su bebe
crying - llanto
jaundice - ictericia
newborn - recien nacido
pacifier - chupete, chopon
sleep - dormir
spit up - regurgita
stool - evacuacion
toddler - bebe mayorcito
twins - gemelos
weigh your baby - pesar el bebe
weight gain - aumento de peso
wet diapers - panales (pampers) mojados
breast - pecho, seno
breastmilk - leche materna
colostrum (first milk) - calostro (la primera leche)
good latch-on - bien prendido, buen agarre
lactation consultant - consultora en lactancia
latch on (to)- agarrar
leaking - se sale la leche
letdown - reflejo de eyeccion de la leche
meconium - meconio, popo negro y espeso
milk expression - extraccion de la leche
nipple - pezon
pump breasts - succionar los pechos
rooting - senales de busqueda
sore nipples - pezones adoloridos
swallow(s) - trago(s)
5-6 (wet diapers per day)- cinco a seis panales mojados cada dia
breast pump - sacaleches
football hold - posicion lateral debajo del brazo (sandia)
repositioning the baby - reposicionar mejor el bebe al pecho
skin to skin - tener el bebe con solo el panal en contra de su piel; de piel a piel
supplemental feeding - alimentacion suplementaria
how may I help you? como puedo ayudarla?
In a day, how many times do you breastfeed? En un dia, cuantas veces le da pecho a su bebe?
Breastfeed at least 8 times each day. Dele pecho po lo menos ocho veces al dia.
If you think you need to give your baby formula, call a lactation consultant first. Si piensa que necesita darle formula a su bebe, primero llame una consejera de lactancia.
first_lobster, RN
38 Posts
Here is all of the spanish that I know:
1. tu tienes une cabeza de caso. (you have a head of cheese)
2. Une mas cervesa/tequila por favor. (one more beer/tequilla, please)
3. Donde esta el bano? (where is the bathroom?)
4. el burro sabe mas que tu (a jack*ss knows more than you).
hope this helps.
463 Posts
#4 is how we learned Spanish vowels: a - e - i - o - u el burro sabe mas que tu. But we were 12 so it was a donkey./
Wow, I really appreciate all the helpful posts (including the humorous ones). Thanks everyone. I've got my work cut out for me .
243 Posts
All the Spanish I know I learned from Sesame Street.
"Abierto y cerrado" (Grover OPENed and CLOSEd a door)
Oh, and a friend of mine of Mexican descent used to call me "Basura Blanca" as a nickname...I thought it was kind of pretty, and I didn't know what it meant. Turns out it's something like "white trash"
Very funny, Ruby. :trout:
1,804 Posts
I know some spanish words here and there. Thanks for all of the phrases "mitch's mom"! That's great. I did take medical Spanish a few years back, but at the time, we did not have as many Spanish speakers as we do now. My instructor gave me a really nice handout with lots of baby things on it. It was a picture of a nursery w/ labels. Hmm I think I will use the little peumonic for vowels on a certain physician I work w/!!!
Elvish, BSN, DNP, RN, NP
4 Articles; 5,259 Posts
You can also use the phrases "hacer del baño" (go to the bathroom -- it's understood that you mean stool) or "numero dos" (#2) to ask about bowel movements. "Popo" is ok for babies but sometimes I've had adults get offended when I use that referring to them...kind of a childish term I guess.
4 Posts
Thanks so much for the helpful Spanish phrases. It's been ten years since my Spanish classes, I'm a little rusty.
MamaMadge, ADN, BSN
66 Posts
Muy excelente! You guys have a great list here. I want to repeat the phrase ArwenU used for going to the bathroom. It is perfectly ok to ask if someone went #2 (Ha podido hacer del bano del numero 2?).....but we have to be sensitive about a patient's educational level. Many spanish speaking patients speak a local dialect and don't know technical medical terminology.
The word I use for uterus is "matriz" instead of "utero." Once again, it is regional dialect and utero is the technically correct term.
I usually use matriz for uterus too....I think matriz literally means womb so it's not incorrect. It's just what most people understand, like you said.