Yale GEPN 2016

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all!

I didn't see a Yale GEPN 2016 thread, so I thought it would be good to start one! Does anyone know the average GPA and GRE score for the 2015 entering class?

Hi! I've been reading a bunch of your comments, and I would love to hear a little more about you! I am currently applying to ABSN-MSN Midwifery schools, and I read from one of your previous posts that you applied to similar schools that I am looking at. Where exactly did you get in? And what were your stats (if you don't mind sharing)? I want to estimate my odds of being accepted somewhere a little bit.


I applied to Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt and was accepted to all three (which shocked the heck out of me--I joke that I got the old lady vote.) My undergrad was a not super impressive state school and my prereqs were from community college. My GPA was 3.8 or 3.9. I really have blanked out a lot of my GRE stuff but I think I got a 153 in quant and I was over 90th percentile in verbal and writing. I think I really did get the old lady vote, had a good resume (lots of birth experience), references, and I spent a lot of time on my essay for Yale and then just kind of modified it for the other schools. I talked about what my passions are, what I want to do when I am done with school, why I love midwifery, etc. It is really easy for me to say this now that I am not the one obsessing about essays and admissions, but I really just encourage you to let your passion for this field shine through. Not all of my cohort even want to be midwives--we have researchers, people who are solely interested in women's health, etc. We don't all have the same backgrounds either--there are a lot of doulas but also people who have never been to a birth, and we all bring passion and uniqueness to the program. There is no formula. Just do you. The best, most grammatically correct version of you. Ha ha. :)

Now I have to stop using allnurses as a procrastination tool and get back to it...

Thank you DoulaMe.

Hi there, I'm applying too. I'm feeling a little concerned about my transcripts arriving on time. I requested for them to be sent in what I was reassured would be a sufficient amount of time, but the schools didn't actually send them until 3 days ago! There's no way of knowing whether or not they will have arrived come Monday so I frantically drove an hour to my alma mater today to get my sealed transcript in person then hightailed it to UPS, forked over one arm and one leg, then drove home chewing over the irony of the situation. My transcript leaves something (and then a little something more) to be desired. Now they will get two copies of my substellar transcript. Such fun! To add to the fun, I'm also sending a lot of reminder e-mails to my recommenders, which makes me feel like a nuisance. Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling relieved.

Thanks for the laugh! Good luck :)

Oh man...lol. At least you'll have one arm and one leg left if you get in. It'll make it harder, but if any of us make it in we'll help you :wacky:

And at least you only had one school, I needed transcripts from 4!

Maybe it's all supposed to be stressful, so we're more relieved if we get in? Hope your stuff gets there!

Good luck to everyone applying!! Hopefully the odds will be in our favor! :)

Hey Everyone,

I submitted my completed application yesterday. I was slightly stressing out because I was waiting on the dean of my law school to submit her recommendation letter. Thankfully, she finally got it done. So, who else is applying for a spot in PNP program? Yale is a long shot school for me especially since I don't have any medical knowledge and I don't have a math and science background. I've been in the legal profession for the almost 5 years and it's exciting and nerve wracking to decide to change careers but I know being an attorney is not what I'm passionate about doing. I went to an ivy league undergrad with a 3.0 gpa (nothing special) and my law school gpa was even lower. Here's hoping for an interview! Best of luck to everyone who applied

Hi everyone! I received an email this morning saying that my GEPN application is complete. There wasn't a signature to the email and was wondering if I was missing any information. Same for all of you?

Hummingbirdheartbeat, I got one of those too after I submitted my application.

Hey Everyone,

I submitted my completed application yesterday. I was slightly stressing out because I was waiting on the dean of my law school to submit her recommendation letter. Thankfully, she finally got it done. So, who else is applying for a spot in PNP program? Yale is a long shot school for me especially since I don't have any medical knowledge and I don't have a math and science background. I've been in the legal profession for the almost 5 years and it's exciting and nerve wracking to decide to change careers but I know being an attorney is not what I'm passionate about doing. I went to an ivy league undergrad with a 3.0 gpa (nothing special) and my law school gpa was even lower. Here's hoping for an interview! Best of luck to everyone who applied

I did a double take reading your post. We are so alike (with the exception of me attending a Big 10 school for undergrad and law school). Good luck to you!

Hi everyone! I am so happy this thread is here and I am so happy that that application process is finally over!! Good luck to everyone!

I am applying to the midwifery specialty through the GEPN program. Doulame, your comments were extremely helpful, thank you so so much!! I am a doula and an EMT and I work on the public health/policy aspect of maternity care at Choices in Childbirth in NYC. I hope that my absolute passion for the field shines through in my essay!

This waiting game may be harder than pulling the application together!

Agreed...the waiting game is very hard. We have basically all of November, December, and part of January to find out.....besides, does anyone know when we find out about interviews? I heard they do interviews in January, but does anyone know if that's at the beginning or end of January?

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