Published Nov 21, 2003
5 Posts
Was not sure where to place this here it is...
Some of you may have read my thread about injuring myself (fractured ribs)while giving a patient care in Home Health...
Well last night...I get a call from my employer the other day..asking me all sorts of"If you were in so much pain...why did one of the other employees see u in town at the store the other day"..or" Why did the doctor do this and this treatment?"and"You must have had an accident beforehand to have an injury like this",oh and my favorite.."Why wasn't the equipment in proper place before you started your shift?"One more thing also: when I was giving this particular patient care...the pt was in distress at the time...I did not give any second thoughts about my safety at that time...the most important was:THE PATIENT...and i got "reamed" over that too
Employer kept insisting he did not "understand" ...I gave my reasons...told him about what the doctor told me and what he had ordered...and said bluntly..."Don't ask me about the doc's orders...ask him yourself...I am just doing what he told me to do".
I guess my question is this: Are employers legally allowed to do this?..I really felt like I was being harassed and basically told to stay at home unless I had "permission" to do otherwise:(
Sounds to me like she is trying to get out of BWC if she can....
Anyone have any advice how to deal with this?Does the Labor Board need involved..or what?
I have never dealt with anything like this before..and any support or info you can give me..would be greatly appreciated.THANKS:
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
My only advice is get a lawyer and refer all quetstions to them. I don't think your boss can be that nosey, but I'm no expert. I have heard of employers hiring detectives to watch and investigate workers comp dad went thru heck is his and it still isn't solved after 9 yrs (worked in the steel mills)!
1 Article; 2,334 Posts
If your States workers comp is involved inform your claims manager of the call. Believe it or not, when it comes to the State and there is a clear cause and effect they are on your side. Your employer is just trying to muddy the waters and intimidate you.
Erin RN
396 Posts
I am a workers comp case manager in WA state. In this state, if an employee is injured on the job and files a work comp claim then the employer has the right to all medical records involved with that claim. I don't know if this is the case in your state or not? The usual protocol is to have your MD write a return to work order if you will have any type of restrictions he needs to include those. that is given to the employer, if the employer can accomodate the restrictions you go to work if not, then you are most likely eligible for time loss which varies but is around 60-70% of your wages. You need to see the MD every 30 days and the MD needs to resubmit the work release/ restrictions every 30 days. The MD should also indicate that any injuries you have can be attributed to incident on a more probable than not basis..which for your injury sounds relatively easy..some are not. It does not matter what circumstances surrounded the incident were hurt on the job therefore they are going to be held reponsible..period. Sounds like your employer is harrassing you, somewhat which is not cool. I would not run out and get an atty..I have seen so many do that becasue they think they need one...eventually the claim closes, the worker get an impairment rating and that rating (if any) directly correlates to a dollar amt which is paid to the worker (I am talking about the worker which does not fully recover but no more treatment is working nor deemed necessary)..if the worker had an atty about 1/2 goes to the atty..these amts are not arbitrary they are spelled out..and the atty can't get the worker more than the state statute allows.
I would encourage you to speak to the adjustor working your claim..they are the one paying your bills
4,516 Posts
Almost every nurse I know who has been injured on the job goes through something like this from their employer and it really pizzes me off. They are trying to trip you up so you say something they can use against you. Be smart, be careful, get a lawyer if need be. And best wishes to you....hope you get some satisfaction and feel better soon. :kiss
6 Posts
I have been injured at work, blah blah blah! I now have to see an orthopaedic surgeon after 5 months on light duties. I told my GP about this particular pain in the very beginning and he told me I was "worrying too much".
I asked for an x-ray, he said the same again. Finally at work one night, I was doubled over in pain, felt like I couldnt breath, this band of pain was incredible. It eased and I put heat on it and completed my 4 hours.
Woke up the next day feeling disgusting, saw another GP (mine wasnt available) he sent me for an x-ray showing a compression fracture of the T7. I was kinda releived that it wasnt all in my head.
I saw my own GP who then did the referal, saying not much at all about the fracture, I asked if I should be doing anything different, he sadi just stick to your surrent stage 2 of the RTW program and see the Ortho. I cant get an appt until March 26th. Im feeling a little peeved off right now and frustrated. Wht dont doctors just shut-up and listen to the person instead of reaching for the anti=depressants, which by the way he ofered me again on Friday! Not impressed. Will I ever be able to return to my medical ward? I ask him and he says "you'll have good days and bad days", whats all that about? Dont they have ANY idea???