positives and negatives to your program


I've heard some things about certain programs being unorganized and students saying they have not had good experiences. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share negative or positive experiences about their programs to give an idea of which schools have students that are satisfied with their program.

Thank you

Specializes in Cardiac.

I had nothing but positive experiences with my NS. I went down here in Tucson, and felt that that program was well organized, clinicals went well, and the instructors were appropriate when giving criticism. All and all, I felt well prepared to take the NCLEX, and to start working as a nurse.

I'd recommend it highly, but....the waitlist is until the next decade.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

I'd recommend it highly, but....the waitlist is until the next decade.

Unless you sell your soul to the evil empire aka TMC for three years. Then you can start at this nursing school right away...

Specializes in Cardiac.

3 years at TMC, or 3 years waiting to start.

Personally, if you had a choice as to which floor you could work on at TMC, then I'd do it.

I've heard some things about certain programs being unorganized and students saying they have not had good experiences. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share negative or positive experiences about their programs to give an idea of which schools have students that are satisfied with their program.

Thank you

It is going to vastly depend on which program/school. I'm at Gateway. It is a fairly decent program. There is a bit of disorganization - presentations by the instructors with typos, misallocation of time, etc. But I don't think it drags down the overall quality of the program. If you want high quality - maybe you need to find a private school somewhere. I do think the huge upswing in admissions is hurting some of the quality - they are scrambling for instructors, but that is probably the case at other schools. I give Gateway a "B."

I wonder if anyone knows anything about scc's program.. if you do id like to hear it thxs! =)

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

Overall, I like my program. My biggest gripe would have to be that I don't feel we get enough clinical time. One day a week. As much as I hate clinicals, I learn the most there. I adore the instructors. Most of them anyway. My clinical instructor this semester is the spawn of the devil. But other than that, they're all great.

well i just got the schedule for block one.. and clinicals two days a week 7-7 is that crazy.. plus classes?!?!?! ahh.. this makes me worried lol

Specializes in L&D, ICU, Family Medicine.

I'm just finishing up the program at Mesa Community, and it's been an overall great experience. Block 1 was pretty rough because of the instructors, but who knows, maybe they softened up a little bit. I just remember Block 1 being a giant ball of stress with non-stop pressure. Maybe they were weeding out the weaklings? I dunno, but we lost a lot of students that semester. After that it's been pretty laid back, organized, straight forward. I feel prepared at clinicals and confident in taking my own load of pts. Only thing is I feel like we do so much work/clinical time that we don't get considered full time, so it messes with my financial aid, and I have to register for bogus classes like aerobics to get FT. I highly recommend the program, they've got one of the highest (if not the #1) passing rates for NCLEX examination.

Specializes in Pediatric ICU.

There are very real positives and negatives to Phoenix College. They were very warm and inviting to us at the beginning of block 1. It was a difficult jump for some to just BE in nursing school. Block 2, the cracks in the system began to show. Now by block 3, the typos and unprepared instructors are getting to me. I'm concerned for block 4 because I've heard that it's even harder than 3 in that one of the teachers is (in the words of a current block 4 student) very difficult to get along with.

I'm just hoping to pass my classes and be prepared enough for the NCLEX at the end.

Plus: small class sizes, teachers who have been overall very helpful and endearing, and clinical rotations at downtown hospitals (read: lots of experience)

Negative: It seems as if they're re-inventing the nursing school "wheel" every semester....haven't they been doing this for a very long time? The campus is old and in desperate need of a facelift. Also, it's a long drive from the EV to get to PC but carpooling has been a god-send. We study the way there and decompress on the way back.

Overall grade: B-

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