Pocket Guide


What pocket guide would you recomend for a new nurse?



Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
That's an excellent idea. I'm wondering if I could make a smaller version, almost like a Hipster PDA? How large is yours and would you be able to post a picture? Just curious to see your set up now. :-)

Thanks! You probally could make it smaller...but it might be a little hard to read your info....not sure!

Mine is not fancy at all....its just a regular 3 ring binder with your normal size pages. It is very organized so I can find any info easily. I keep it at work, and each shift I put it at my computer, and just grab it when needed. If you want I will try to remember, and take a picture of how its laid out.

Specializes in Emergency, Critical Care (CEN, CCRN).

Our new nurses all get a copy of "Fast Facts for the ER Nurse." People here are also big fans of "Detroit Receiving Hospital Emergency Medicine Handbook" and "ER Facts Made Incredibly Quick." For critical-care stuff like drips and invasive monitoring, I still think nothing beats "Fast Facts for Critical Care."

Lots of people also have one or more iDevices (iPhone, iTouch, iPad, etc); Pedi STAT, ePocrates and the various Skyscape and Lexi-Comp references are popular there. In fact, you can get just about all the aforementioned books in electronic format, either as stand-alone programs, Skyscape packages or Amazon Kindle packages.

Hope this helps!

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