PNCB CPNP-PC exam failed. Need guidance!

Nursing Students NP Students


Hi everyone, I just took my PNP-PC exam through PNCB today and failed. I did the Barkley audio home review along with questions from the Pediatric Nurse Praftitiner Certification Review guide by Joanne Silbert-Flagg and Elizabeth D. Sloand.

I also took both pncb practice exams and 1 DRT practice exam from Barkley.

I felt pretty good going into the exam but the questions I guess were more in depth than I thought they’d be.

If anyone who has failed then passed or passed has any advice it would be appreciated. I’m feeling very disappointed and discourage and that I’ve let my family down as I had a job lined up and everything.

Thanks in advance.

Hi y’all! I failed my PNCB test today and I am devastated, I am curious to know if any of y’all have passed the second time. My email is

hoping we can feed off each other and give encouragement

Im so sorry girl! It is literally gut wrenching! I cried the whole day! But I have not yet taken it again, I have to wait 30 days and I took it 1/13! I have reapplied so I’m hoping I’m able to reschedule it soon!

We will all beat this test! It’s a hard one!

1 hour ago, Brandy Michelle Garcia said:

Hi y’all! I failed my PNCB test today and I am devastated, I am curious to know if any of y’all have passed the second time. My email is

hoping we can feed off each other and give encouragement


What did you use to study? How long?

Hi all,
out of nervousness and anxiety, I moved my exam up because I just wanted to be done with it. Thankfully, I passed! I nervously sat on all nurses and I hope I can provide you all in with info that I wish I could’ve read. Here’s all the info I have that I believed helped me

1) Silbert-Flagg PNP Cert Blue Book

2) 2 PNCB Module Exams

3) 1 Barkley DRT Exams

4) Quizlet “PNP Questions” and “PNCB questions” search.

In total, I probably studied for about 5 weeks. Typically 11 am to 3 or 4 pm each day. I read every single page of the Silbert-Flagg book. I completed all the questions and was sure to read each rationale. For the questions I got wrong in this book, I made a Word doc with answers/notes. I reviewed this running list daily** to help me keep track of the things I didn’t know.

2 weeks before my exam, I took a 1 PNCB module exam (and made a 48) and 1 Barkley DRT (and made a 70.) I didn’t purchase more Barkley practice exams because I was told from a mentor that they weren’t super useful. The week before my exam, I took another PNCB exam and made a 60. Some questions were similar to that on the actual exam but overall, the module questions on that PNCB practice exam were harder (to me). They were more important for me to read through their rationales and think as they think.

I went through large amounts of practice questions using quizlet. Search what I posted above and it’ll pull up so many good questions to review. I found that doing this helped me to see what I didn’t know. If I got a question wrong, I would go to word doc and make sure I added that note there. My document ended up Being 8/9 pages with some of the most crucial info that I kept getting wrong. Studying what I got wrong helped me soooooo much.

4 days before my exam, I redid questions from the Silbert-Flagg book. Questions that I still got wrong, I went back to reread that particular section. For me, that tended to be APRN issues, Cardio, and developmental milestones.

The test itself wasn’t awful after understanding what they were trying to get me to understand. I also took my time to read each question carefully. I realized that I knew the content but I had bad test taking skills (ie: assuming I knew what the question was asking, not paying attention to words like “not” and “except”, and not doing process of elimination for each q. When reading a Q, I talked through each answer to explain to myself why it couldn’t be that one. If I wasn’t sure why I eliminated a particular answer, that meant I needed to go back and review the section.

If anyone has any other Qs, let me know! Or you can private message me I really hope this helps

First of all.... congrats girl! You did it and you’re done! So happy for you! Secondly, thank you for all this info! I just did Barkley review and the PNCB modules before taking the exam! This time I am going through the silvery-Flagg book word by word and doing those practice questions!! I will repeat the pncb modules when it get closer to testing! And I’m definitely going to look at quizlet Now! ?

Just wanted to give everyone an update! I retook my exam last Friday and passed!! ?

I really think the blue book (Silbertt-Flagg) was the determining factor! I read that book front to back and did all the questions! I also went back through my Barkley review and redid the pncb practice tests!

Thank you for everyone for the support and good luck to those who haven’t passed yet!

7 minutes ago, NurseMeg13 said:

Just wanted to give everyone an update! I retook my exam last Friday and passed!! ?

I really think the blue book (Silbertt-Flagg) was the determining factor! I read that book front to back and did all the questions! I also went back through my Barkley review and redid the pncb practice tests!

Thank you for everyone for the support and good luck to those who haven’t passed yet!


Specializes in Pediatric.

I am getting ready to take my AC- PNP boards in September.. I was wondering if anyone take the coorifice on the website. The website is no longer available and I was wondering if anyone downloaded the content and would be willing to share.. if so reply to this thread ! Also what other resources did y’all use to study?

My email is [email protected] if anyone is willing to share any studying info or tips .


Specializes in Nurse.

I took the PNCB-PC test and passed. I found these resources to be useful - and some are FREE. I would often pause these Youtube videos (2020 or the most recent) to take notes and crosscheck the presentations with the CDC website or the Burns Book to be sure I was current.

I also printed all 8 pages of the Immunization Schedule for use in clinicals and I studied the contents of the 8 pages almost daily and would refer to it every time I came across a question on immunization. The link is below:

Finally, this video on pediatric rashes was helpful - I first came across it a few years ago in my practice as FNP while trying to better understand the topic that always freaked me out - I watched it a couple of times in my study period:

I bought the Barkley's audio CD and did one of their DRTs - would not buy these materials if I had to do it over.

I bought the 2 PNCB Modules - they were helpful.

For the PNCB Modules and other books/questions I used, I used them mostly as a GUIDE - meaning that I would use the questions that came up as an opportunity to study that topic in depth. If it was a disease process I would study the clinical presentation, medication options, and relevant patient education.

Thanks so much, I will definitely take a look at this stuff before I test. Congratulations!

Specializes in Pediatric.

Thank you and I’m so glad you passed!!

If anyone who reads this downloaded the content rom Melnic AC pnp site before it was no longer available I would be so grateful if you share it ! thanks!

Specializes in Nurse.

Good luck to everyone taking the PNCB - CPNP-PC examination. I found this suggestion in one of the postings in this forum and it was helpful. It is the University of Chicago Pediatric Clerkship - has tons of resources:

Always remember to ensure the meds and procedures are current - use the AAP Guidelines, Burns Book, or check CDC website

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