PNCB CPNP-PC exam failed. Need guidance!

Nursing Students NP Students


Hi everyone, I just took my PNP-PC exam through PNCB today and failed. I did the Barkley audio home review along with questions from the Pediatric Nurse Praftitiner Certification Review guide by Joanne Silbert-Flagg and Elizabeth D. Sloand.

I also took both pncb practice exams and 1 DRT practice exam from Barkley.

I felt pretty good going into the exam but the questions I guess were more in depth than I thought they’d be.

If anyone who has failed then passed or passed has any advice it would be appreciated. I’m feeling very disappointed and discourage and that I’ve let my family down as I had a job lined up and everything.

Thanks in advance.


So sorry to hear that you failed. I failed too. I pretty much did the same thing that you did. Hopefully someone responds to thread with some good advice.

I’m sorry to hear you failed as well! It was a hard exam and I felt Barkley was good for foundation but the exam went more in depth. We will beat this exam though, I’m confident about that!

Yes we will. Happy Studying!!!

Did you find that the practice questions in Silbert-Flagg were similar to those on the actual exam? or the PNCB modules?

Similar to the Silbert-Flagg but a little more harder. Definitely not the PNCB modules.

2 minutes ago, gradstudent2017 said:

Similar to the Silbert-Flagg but a little more harder. Definitely not the PNCB modules.

thank you! is there anything you would have done differently? I found the PNCB modules quite tough.

Actually trying to figure that out now.

Specializes in PNP graduate.

I just took mine today and failed too. Talk about being heartbroken!! The questions were incredibly off the path for me. I studied both PNCB modules, bord vitals and studied Silbert-flagg and was still completely unprepared for the complexity of this exam. I just ordered barkleys and a Fitzgerald ??

I’m so sorry to hear you failed today! It is like a shot to the gut when hitting submit and fail popping up! It was definitely more complex than I studied for the first time so I’m hoping now that I know that it’s more in depth than I thought, I will be better off when I retake it!

Wishing you the best for round 2!

43 minutes ago, Jamiegirl1126 said:

I just took mine today and failed too. Talk about being heartbroken!! The questions were incredibly off the path for me. I studied both PNCB modules, bord vitals and studied Silbert-flagg and was still completely unprepared for the complexity of this exam. I just ordered barkleys and a Fitzgerald ??

I know exactly how you feel. I've heard people who did Barkley home study and passed. Never heard about Fitzgerald though. Take a break and get back to studying. You will do great next time!

This is so frustrating/nerveWrecking to hear. I have heard so many mixed reviews that it was similar to the silbert-Flagg book

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