Please share your experience(s) with CSU San Marcos Generic BSN program.



??? :up: :down: ???

I'm looking for feedback regarding California State University San Marcos, General BSN program.

  1. If you are a current student, or one of the new graduates from the first class, PLEASE share your thoughts on the program.
  2. If you are an RN who has worked with the student nurses during clinical's please share your thoughts on how well they are being prepared.

This program is only 3 years old, and has yet to have a graduating class actually sit for the NCLEX. I am having a difficult time making a decision regarding this program.

I have heard from many RN's that generally the ADN student nurses are better prepared (clinically); and more specifically, Palomar College's ADN student nurses... than the CSUSM BSN students. I know there are different variables that contribute to these assessments. What are your thoughts?

:nurse: RN student August 09

A predictor exam is a standardized test that is supposed to be designed to "predict" whether or not the student will pass the NCLEX. Some programs require their students to pass their end of course exam before they can graduate. Most people say that predictor exams should not be relied upon solely for NCLEX readiness. There are many people who fail these tests yet go on to pass the NCLEX.

Hi Dawnikans,

Yes the ATI predictor exam is taken at the end of your final semester. Oh there were numerous rumors that flew with this exam. However, the ATI predictor exam is actually part of a curriculum class (pass/no pass). In essence, you must pass the exam with the benchmark in order to pass the class. However, I can tell you that the score is entire attainable and the staff and faculty understand that we are busy with several other classes.

All in all the ATI exam gave me a good idea of how the NCLEX-RN would be and how I would do. You can do it, I promise and to my knowledge, I believe all of us passed and our transcripts are on our way up!

I just finished my first 2 semesters in the generic BSN program (Cohort 4) and so far my experience has been positive. As for ATI, I heard it was a nightmare for Cohorts 1 & 2 but mainly because it was never really emphasized during their program. However that is not the case anymore. We've been taking ATI exams during each of our classes. ALso we are given the test codes so that we can go back and practice anytime. The material is given to us, so it's possible to study more of it on your own time.

The faculty so far has been great. So supportive and attentive to our needs. I've yet to have a bad experience, and none of my classmates have either. I've been reading all these horror stories about mean professors and whatnot, and can honestly say that you will NOT find that at CSUSM.

Congrats to those from Cohort 1 that just graduated....and good luck on the NCLEX. I'm sure you'll all do fine. To the Temecula ASBN people, Tell Professor Larson that Vuth says hi.

BTW- I don't remember my exact point totals, but I got into the program w/ a 92% on the TEAS, 3.7overall GPA, and a 3.9 Core volunteer experience, no foreign language, no work while it's not exactly EASY, it isn't impossible either.

Specializes in Home Health Nurse.

Is the ABSN program only held at the Temecula campus and if it isn't is there anyway to switch to the main campus?

Specializes in Acute Pulmonary, Intermediate Care.

It is at the Temecula campus and occasionally at the SON across the street from the main campus. I'm in the generic basic... cohort 5. I love it!

I dropped from an ADN program and I regret

I wanna re-entry

san marcos is close to my home

I wanna know what you do each semester and how teachers are

I wanna know how is the clinical

really appreciate

right now I am a lost dog I don't know what to do

I don't really like nursing clinicals but I like nursing theories and disease theories

May somebody give me some suggestions?

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