Please help - program expulsion


Dear members,

I am facing expulsion from my program in the last semester of my program. I've maintained an A average GPA all throughout, worked and volunteered. I have no idea where to turn or what recourse I have.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

A terrified nursing student

Specializes in Pedi.

Well, certainly you are not being expelled for your A average and volunteer or work experience so there is most definitely more to this story that you haven't shared and I doubt any one of us can offer you advice based on the information you've provided.

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

I agree with the above poster. Without details, we can't really help. Sorry :(

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

In order to guide you more information is needed. There are three sides to most stories...yours,theirs&other truth. I am certain there is more to the story.

For example student has straight As, class leader, honor society, excellent clinical skills. Decides one morning that the 99 year old patient would be better off without a ventillator. Turns it off, patient asphyxiated and died. Student charged with homicide, expelled from school, and sanctioned as ineligible for licensure as a nurse or any direct care profession. They cannot graduate despite the straight A average and otherwise stellar portfolio.

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