Published May 30, 2008
Gingerbell, BSN, RN
66 Posts
Hello all ....
I'm in desperate need of some help and advice.
I just got the call that a major hospital in my area wants to interview me for a position on the Cardiac Telemetry Floor. Cardiology is my PASSION and this is my dream job! Cardiology is the whole reason I went into nursing and the reason I continue towards my RN (I'm an LVN, but still in school for RN). This position is incredibly rare for an LVN so I know I must really shine during this interview.
So can any of you PRETTY PLEASE give me some advice as to what I might expect during the interview? Maybe even some sample questions? What would make me stand out? Be as hard on me as you can .... I want this BAD and I am not afraid to work for it!
Thanks in advance for any advice!
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
They will be probably looking for someone with good critical thinking skills.
Telemetry expiernce, ACLS
Hopefully someone else can come along my brain isn't working.
good Luck
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
I got hired right out of nursing school on telemetry with no tele experience whatsoever except that I loved doing clinical in this particular floor and told them that. She kinda stressed to me that this particular floor is notoriously known as the 'train wreck'. It's really rough and suggested I might want to do a stint on med surg first but I wasn't interested in that.
Basically just tell them that you love cardiology and you're not afraid to work hard for it. As for the questions they asked me...I don't honestly remember (sorry).
3 Posts
I got hired on a tele floor out of the OR straight out of school (had been an RN about 6 months). Any good hospital will train you to work with the tele. We are known as "4 Evil" instead of 4 East because we get the trainwrecks. Cardiology and Internal Medicine...about a 50/50 split. Basically, if they aren't sick enough for the unit, they come to us.
Try taking a basic dysrhythmia class. Also, don't be afraid to be a team player. The experienced nurses on your floor will be a great help to you at the start. Hope your interview goes well!