Please critique my resume


Hi everyone,

I am on track to graduate at the end of the month and would appreciate any help/critique of my resume.

Thanks so much!

I have attached it as a pdf file...let me know if I should attach it as a word document instead?

Resume for allnurses pdf.pdf

anyone? Please?


It is wierd how 90+ people viewed without commenting. Well I'm where you're at, I'm about to graduate the third week in May.

I think your resume looks great! Looks like you're in a good position to start your career as an RN. You're currently a PCA in a hospital, you have phlebotomy training, you volunteer...what could be better? Don't know if the lower lines of asterix's were meant to not be bold as above ones were. The only thing I would do different would be to break up the run-on sentence of your second bullet point under your job responsibilities into two or three sentences. And, put the verbs in the sentence into the same tense, i.e., "ensures safety.....and responding to patient needs" would be "ensures safety.....responds to patient needs..." Actually I would probably word it in first person tense, ( "Ensure safety... Respond to patient needs. Assist RNs...."), wording it as if to say,"I ensure, I respond, I assist." Just grammatical details could be polished, but your content is solid.

Best of luck!

I would remove the part about references at the bottom. Everything I read now states that is old fashioned and understood. Also, I've read that you shouldn't have a lot of lines/asterisks because they can alter the formatting if your resume is scanned by HR.

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