PLEAE HELP! Prospective nursing student



I am currently a college student studying sociology. I have become interested in going to nursing school after I graduate, but don't really know the steps to do so. My major obviously doesn't help me get the prerequisites I need for nursing school. Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do after I graduate to get the prerequisites needed and apply for a nursing school?? Or if you know any schools in California (bay area) that I can attend just to do my prerequisites so I can then apply to a school... Any advice would be so helpful!

thanks so much!

If you are looking to get into a nursing program, most pre reqs consist of anatomy and physiology 1&2 with Lab component,Microbiology,Chemistry,Medical Terminology,Pharmacology,Intro to Psy or General Psychology,English Composition 101,Algebra or Statistics,Speech just to name a few...It all depends on if you are going into an ADN or BSN program. Here in Chicago, there are some schools that have pre nursing classes just for individuals to transfer into a nursing program. Try to get as many classes out the way especially anatomy and physiology. If you can get through this class you will be prepared to tackle on the clinicals later on. How far along are you into the sociology degree?

Pretty far, I am basically almost done...I go to a state school in California and they make it extremely difficult to change majors or take classes other than the GEs and major classes you need..otherwise I would have changed to a major that would help get those prerequisites out of the way. It is such a pain! Because of this, I am hoping I can maybe find a program to attend after I graduate in order to complete my prerequisites then go onto nursing school. I am sort of interested in becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner so I would need an ADN, right?

Good for you! I'm looking to be a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner myself :-), to do that you will need a Bachelor's degree 1st earn your RN license and then you would want to work in the field to gain at least 1 year of experience before going into the masters program where you can select a specialty as a practitioner. You will do clinicals in the area of your choice(pediatric,acute care,child development,etc). You can do the ADN but if possible just do the BSN because that's what most hospitals is looking for nowadays.. But it's all about how much time you have to commit on what route you take, either way you are a registered nurse!

I suggest either taking the pre-req courses at the university your getting you degree from or go to a local community college (for me that was cheaper). I took a few classes at my university after graduation I just had to declare a different major. I also suggest looking at programs your interested in and see what their pre-reqs are. Many of there places I applied to had different requirements. You also might want to look for ways to volunteer in health care or get your CNA, that always looks good on applications. Good luck!! :)

couldn't I just get an accelerate BSN?

I originally went to a state school in CA as well and I stayed on for 2 extra quarters after I was done because well was already funded for the year and I wanted to take extra classes. Have you talked to your counselor about your interest? If you did your pre-reqs at your current college, it'd probably be the easiest way to get them done. You'd just need to delay your graduation.

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