Planner for nursing school

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Hey y'all!

I start nursing school in May and was wondering if anyone has a planner they recommend to stay organized? I do use google calendar etc, but I like having a physical planner as well. I know that what I used during college probably wont cut it as far as space goes. This is what really helps me to stay organized, so recommendations would be awesome!

I use this on from Plum Paper on Etsy. It's a little pricy ($32) for 12 months, plus I extended it out to 18 months, and had stickers added so I could color code my classes, preceptorship, work, my kids appointments, interviews, etc. I tried a bunch of other planners throughout nursing school and this one is by far my favorite.

One caveat, because it is personalized, it takes 3-4 weeks to ship. I promise you it is well worth it. I would always buy planners, or put my class schedules in my apple calendar with the intention of using them, and never would. I don't know if it's because this one is so pretty, or because I paid so much for it, but I use it all the time!

Thanks for all of the tips y'all!! Staying organized is going to be one of my biggest helpers!! It basically seems like you just have to find the system thats right for you. Hopefully I will get all organized and when classes start I will have a system. I was not so organized in college. lol

I just got a calendar (one of those big desk sized ones). First week of school I wrote every due date for the semester on it and highlighted each class a specific color. That was my rough guide. Then I had a dry erase board I wrote everything I needed to do that week on it (not just school stuff). I tried to get something crossed off every day and on Sunday everything was crossed off that was due the next week. This also kept me from procrastinating. I really liked the dry erase board, got a certain satisfaction every time I crossed something off. I guess it was kinda redundant to have both the calendar and the dry erase board but that's what worked for me.

Wow, I thought I was the only one that was super crazy and needed an electronic and physical planner. I've been lusting after a filofax, but I ended up getting a pretty but cheap planner at Walmart. I also have an iPhone, iPad, and Macbook that interconnect so no matter where I am, I have access to at least one electronic version. The planner is where my life goes, the Apple products are just a carbon copy in case something happens.

Right? I mean technology is so handy and easy to use...but I just can't fully rely on it...I need a physical place to lay things out! You're definitely not crazy...or if you are I'm right there with ya! lol

I absolutely adore my Lily Pulitzer agenda.

I love having a hands on planner. There's enough room to write down due dates, and then the "tasks" you'd like to complete that day, and I color code everything.

I've also heard fantastic things about the Erin Condren planner, and I might try that one out once I fill up my Lily one.

Good luck!

I absolutely adore my Lily Pulitzer agenda.

I love having a hands on planner. There's enough room to write down due dates, and then the "tasks" you'd like to complete that day, and I color code everything.

I've also heard fantastic things about the Erin Condren planner, and I might try that one out once I fill up my Lily one.

Good luck!

The planner from Plum Paper is really similar to the Erin Condren planner, but about $20 cheaper. I REALLY wanted an Erin Condren planner, but when I ordered it, I couldn't pick the months I wanted in it! From what I've read about them though, they're worth every penny!

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