pins and rubberbands for CPAP

Specialties NICU


In our unit to secure CPAP tubings we r currently using safety pins and rubberbands.

Is there any other way of securing ???

safety pins can be dangerous at times!!

just interested to know how the rest of the world does?

we use the stockinette hats that are seperate from the prongs. We use pins/rubberbands and then an OB folded and taped under the chin, make the tape long enough to go onto the top part of the head close to the crown, put the lovely collection of stuffed animals on top of the hoses going out the top of the bed. If they are wrapped the duoderm/comfeel whatever it's called is all taken off and rewrapped q 4 hours which usually necessitates a hat change as well. The mustaches fall off too with all the secretions. Sometimes I would rather have anything other than BCPAP. By the time that you get them stripped down and rewrapped it can take up to 45 mins to get them to bubble again. Got to have a better way.

Specializes in Level III NICU.
We currently use the infant flow cpap from Viasys. The headgear is amazing. It's the best I've ever worked with. There does need to be some education about positioning the headgear because we've had a skin breakdown issue. But this could have been easily prevented with the proper education. You can also move back and forth between nasal mask and prong cpap and the equiptment is very soft. Here's a link to a picture of the head gear...

Cpap headgear

Exactly what we use. Once you learn how to put it on a baby, it's so easy.

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