PHSC 2015 Nursing Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone!

I found one topic on this, but it wasn't very active, so I hope this one becomes a little more successful. My name is Jennifer, and I am applying for the January 2015 Nursing Program at PHSC. My home campus is Porter at Wiregrass Ranch. Are there any other 2015 hopefuls? I'd like to get to know you all! I am taking my TEAS next Tuesday and am so nervous. This will be my first time taking the TEAS. Have any of you taken it? How was it?

Any tips? I have finished all me pre-reqs and finished with a 3.6. Not too bad, wish I would have got higher! Hope I get in! Good luck to all you ladies!


You posted a picture! I remember you now, Sara.

I would first thank the big man my mom and friends tell em the news...and def. go out celebrating!

so one week from now u get your letter of acceptance..what is the first thing that you're gonna do??

I'm most likely not getting accepted, but if I do I plan on hitting up Cici's for all you can eat pizza! ;)

I wish I could tell you that this gets easier guys!! Hang in there. The ride is bumpy :) When you are accepted, you will be running like a chicken with it's hea... oh nevermind. But, it is indeed psycho crazy the amounts of things you will need to get done and get turned in on time to guarantee your seats. Take a breath and realize that all this waiting is preparation for your patience and adaptability you will need to be the best nurses out there! It's all good, guys & gals. Enjoy the process because your head will be buried before long!

Oh, and don't be disappointed if it takes another week to get your letters. They run a lot later now with the new dean of nursing. This process is not a smooth one, trust me! They need to work out about a million kinks.

Rainbows & Butterflies everyone... rainbows and butterflies (it's a happy world I live in ;) )

Thanks MamaBerry! Do you know how many applied for your semester?

If im accepted ill probably cry first thing, then my husband will probably buy me an awesome watch and shoes and take us to a family dinner (Kobe's is my fav) and our stress will def decrease because i have been pursuing this career for three years now.. it would be a blessing and a new chapter in our lives that is for sure. BUT i mainly think im not getting accepted so the disappointment isn't as horrible

If im accepted ill probably cry first thing, then my husband will probably buy me an awesome watch and shoes and take us to a family dinner (Kobe's is my fav) and our stress will def decrease because i have been pursuing this career for three years now.. it would be a blessing and a new chapter in our lives that is for sure. BUT i mainly think im not getting accepted so the disappointment isn't as horrible

I feel the same way. EVERYONE keeps telling me that I am getting in for sure, even a girl who got in this Fall, but I would much rather think I'm not getting in and not be as upset if the letter is in fact a rejection.

Hopefully, we all get in though!

OMG, I just spoke with the Port Richey campus and they said that the first batch of letters for the nursing and radiography program went out today. I am so nervous.

If I get accepted I am going to have a little dance party for myself:) lol My hubby said we can take a two day vacation! Our first ever! We didn't even have a honeymoon lol I seriously hope you get in Dai bc if you don't I won't either! I really think 84% and up is safe. If you look at fall 2014 thread someone got in with 81%. I'm at 82% which is freaking me out!

Well that's exciting news, thanks for letting us know. Maybe by Monday we will have our letters. I know I can't wait to just have an answer.

Thanks medic! R u on our running list? If not what's your TEAS and GPA?

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