PHSC Fall 2016 Hopefuls

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all!! I'm starting this new thread in hopes of finding some returning or new applicants to PHSCs Fall 2016 RN orogram! This will be my 4th time applying 3rd in a row..... I'm planning on retaking my Teas to try for a better composite score.. will be applying to all available campuses for the RN transition program! :-)

I went and spoke with an advisor who said for the LPN program we will be registered as a group at Orientation. There will be financial advisors there as well to go over financial aid, student loan info. You should do your FAFSA app, entrance counseling, and promisary note. Then there's a form to print out as well. That will need to be given to Financial AId. I walked in and gave them mine, but you may be able to bring it to orientation. If it were me, I'd call to see what is best.

so once we do all of that. the fasfa, entrance counseling, and promisary note, how and when will we know if we will be given the aid/loan??? because i don't want to be waiting the last second to know if financial aid will be paying my tuition or not. especially if its cutting it close at orientation which is the 9th

so once we do all of that. the fasfa, entrance counseling, and promisary note, how and when will we know if we will be given the aid/loan??? because i don't want to be waiting the last second to know if financial aid will be paying my tuition or not. especially if its cutting it close at orientation which is the 9th

When I went to the FAFSA site and entered all my financials, and uploaded my income tax info I could see right away that due to my husband's income, we won't qualify for aid, I will need to get a loan. They told me we can do that part at Orientation once we're registered. I plan to do it then. Financial Aide office told me that once my loan is approved the money should be at PHSC in 7-10 days (I hope so! I need books, uniforms etc...) Anyhow, regarding financial aid, as long as you have all your financials when you you do the app on the FAFSA site (there are links on the PHSC website under the ADMISSIONS tab and to the right it says "Financial Aid". It gives the school's code number etc... Hope this helps

definitely helps a lot thank you so much. another question though, are you bringing all your papers to orientation that we have to turn in for the school for a loan or are you turning them in ahead of time so it can be all set come orientation or is that not an option to bring it early.

There is one paper they said we need, it's the Student Aid Report (SAR) you will get that upon completing the FAFSA app (they will email that to you). Financial Aid will need to have the SAR paper to continue with the rest of the process, and the SAR was the only paper I brought to Financial Aid office. The lady there took it and told me once I was registered I could do the rest of the process. Like I said, for me it will be to apply for loans. If you qualify they'll be at orientation to help you with the Pell or whatever type of aid you are eligible for. :)

youve been so much help thank you so much!! ill stop stressing now hahah

I want to make sure I am reading things right. We don't have to get the "Clinical Requirements" part of Castle Branch done before orientation right? I can't make a doctors appt until the 11th of August.

Does anyone know if we need the Polio vaccine? It doesn't say anything about it in the Nurses handbook, yet there's a slot for it on the SAR form. I had my physical today and still need to do the PPD, but the Dr was confused about the Polio and I couldn't find anything. I do not have my childhood vaccination records.

you do not need polio vaccine just the things they state

I must of missed it at the orientation, but are we allowed to wear any color sneakers other than white to our clinicals/labs?

It says white on our supplies list. I don't think our uniform was discussed in much detail.

We should start a FB group...

What campus are you attending?

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