Phone interview

Nurses General Nursing


hey guys i have a few quick questions for all you out there. i just found out that i am going to be having a telephone job interview with a hospital down in tx on thursday. now i have no idea how this type of interview would go or what types of questions i should ask the person interviewing me. i come from canada so i know that things are very different.

i know i will ask about

1. pt/nurse ratio's

2. benefits

3. overtime ... is it mandatory

other then that i'm kind of lost. what else is kind of important to know or ask a potential employee (p.s. if i choose this hospital i will be placed into a 2 year contract so i don't know if that makes a difference in what i need to ask or find out)



well just finished my interview. i think it went well but cant tell. i'm use to face to face interviews :confused: oh well right. if they call back they want me if not sighhhhhhhh not meant to be :)

thank you everyone i used a lot of your questions


i hope you got the job. keeping my fingers crossed for you. :lol2:

well just finished my interview. i think it went well but cant tell. i'm use to face to face interviews :confused: oh well right. if they call back they want me if not sighhhhhhhh not meant to be :)

thank you everyone i used a lot of your questions


hi, did you end up going to brownwood? i'm graduating soon and was just wondering how it went. i met a couple of girls several years ago who came down to brownwood from canada for a while.

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