Phone Interview for LN position-any tips?


Hello and thanks in advance for your replies. On a whim I sent off a resume in response to an ad by a large legal firm and got a call back to set up a phone interview on Thursday. I've had a pretty varied working life, before I got my RN I was a paramedic. Before that I had worked in a law firm (contract and real estate law) and before that was in law enforcement. :D I'm not a job hopper, I'm older and one career kind of lead to another.

Any interview tips or advice? The position is full time but only 30 hours a week so I could probably keep contingent at the LTAC where I am currently employed as a safety net.

Do they want someone to be an in-house consultant looking at cases for possible merit (the atty decides on merit, but you can point out problems with care, documentation, etc), or do they want a testifying expert in your area of expertise?

If in-house, there will be no testifying (conflict of interest), but they want someone with broad nursing expertise (unless they do, say, a lot of premie cases and they have a nurse that does those already), with experience in different nursing settings. They generally do not want someone whose experience is primarily legal-- they have paralegals for that. They want a nurse for the particular knowledge set the nurse has. So that's what they emphasize.

Look into the AALNC website-- they are just launching an online class series on legal nurse consulting to help prep for the LNCC credential, and it would be great background for you if you want to get into legal nursing.

Thanks for the reply, very helpful! The ad reads in part: "Position will provide assistance to attys, preparing medical record summaries, analyze merits of medical cases and perform medical research. The position is 30 hours per week with benefits. " which sounds similar to what you've described above.

I found the AALNC website yesterday and have been reading/researching as much as I can about this aspect of nursing.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.


Thank you, GrnTea, for your helpful info.

I will add to what information GrnTea has given above (which is some duplication, but also validation).

It sounds like they want a consultant, not a testifying expert, so you need to prepare your resume' to include any education as a legal nurse, if any (and, education is not necessary, but experience as an RN who has years experience in the clinical arena would be). Your experience in the clinical area is very necessary as you already prove that you know how to glean medical records to point out deviations from SOP and/or the NPA and that sounds like what they are wanting.

If you would like any additional information, do go to the AALNC website as GrnTea suggested and you will find a lot of information there. As for your BON, and the vast majority of any BON, the AALNC is the only entity that is recognized and approved - no other organization from any other program for LNC education. My BON included. :)

Also, I would be happy to communicate with you privately if you so desire. Just send me a private message and I will be happy to assist you privately. Please look at some of the information we have here in this forum (the FAQ/stickies especially the "Marketing thread") found at the bottom of this forum) for other information that might help.

Good luck; sounds like a great opportunity as an LNC with this job.

Thank you sirI, I will certainly take you up on the offer of advice if I get to a second interview :)

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