Phone calls to home!


Oh gosh! So I got a real good laugh of the day story to share with ya'll. So today, a student comes in because she wants to get sent home. I wanted to speak with her mother before actually sending her home, because to me, her issue didn't seem that big of a deal. Anyway, I called the number she gave me to call and I must have dialed the wrong number because the call didn't go through. BUT I went to her student profile on the school website and pulled up the student's information, and called the number that was listed on there. I called once and just heard someone's voice and I asked if the mother was available , all I got was a "que? que? POR QUE?!!!" I had absolutely no clue what she was saying. because I am in a community of Navajos, I didn't expect anyone to answer in spanish. I looked through her file and nothing said anything about her being spanish. I have no experience nor have any knowledge of the Spanish language. So I thought I'd try the number again, maybe it was a misunderstanding, and certainly it was. This time we tried to converse and I had no way of communicating with her. Then I thought of some movies and instantly told the person on the other line "ummmmm.. SORRY BUT NO HABLA ESPANOL'' then she goes, "ohhhh!! yadadada" (had no idea what she said) so before she said anything else, I said I'm sorry ma'am but bye lol. I had another student lying on the cot and she tried to hold in her laugh. such embarrassment, but very funny :D:roflmao::sarcastic:

I feel your pain! My school has a 50% Hispanic population and a very large number of parents do not speak English. Although I've also had parents that DO speak English (and I know because I've talked to them before!) pretend that they "No hablo ingles." That's always funny.

Me: Can I speak with So-and-So's parent please?

Parent: Ohhh! No hablo ingles!!

Me: Is So-and-So's mother there, I have spoken to her previously in English.

Parent: Oh yes this is the mother.

*Continue conversation in English*

I will never understand.

I want a Cyracom. If I'm a Good Nurse :nurse: maybe I'll get one from the School Board for Christmas. Christmas 2020.:rolleyes:

Dang Far, that is a really Longggggg time to have to be good :)

Dang Far, that is a really Longggggg time to have to be good :)

Hmmm... I don't quite know how to take this.


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