Pensacola Junior College


Is anybody here attending this school? If so, how is the program? I'm attending PJC right now doing my pre-reqs and I'm hoping to get in the program by next spring.

What is the class schedule like? Do you think it's possible to work and have kids and do this program at the same time? I'm thinking I will probably have to quit my job to focus on school full time.



no problem! :D I know that the seats fill up fast towards the end of the semester, but you should be ok...I think you have a great chance to get in the august class if you finish everything by december, or rather just the required classes for entrance, that way you can finish the required classes while you are waiting to get in ;). :D good luck and keep in touch, that way you can use my books! :yeah:

O I would love that! I am trying to schedule both of my entrance exams, the Prctored math one and the NLN. Very exciting. Let me know how everything is going for you!

tabacue, I have thought about Jeff Davis as well. I actually already put in my application for this fall. I have 139 points right now out of a possible 199. The lady there said most people are in the 150 range who get into the program but said there have been some who were in the 130's and got accepted, so I figured I'd give it a shot. After I finish micro this summer and if I pass with an A, I will have 169 points. I'm still going to try for PJC too. I'm scheduled for the NLN on June 13th. I've heard really great things about JD's program from multiple sources. The con's are that they are about 1.25 hrs drive for me and that they are 5 semesters long. PJC does the HESI exam every semester that you have to pass and then you have to pass it with a certain score at the end or you don't graduate and can't sit for NCLEX. Even if you pass the program. I've heard some scary things about the HESI, so that's a con for PJC. I don't think you have to get a license in Alabama just because you go do JD. There are a lot of people from Pcola that go to school there and get their FL licence.

Anyways, I'm still going for both. But if I get into JD this fall I'm definitely going there. Keeping my fingers crossed!

That is great! I applied for Fall at JDCC, but I didn't get in. My score was too low (108). The only class I completed that I could get credit for was A&P 1 and I got a B. I made a 98 on the Compass test so that was fine. I am finishing A&P 2 now and am enrolled at PJC for Micro this Fall. I have to check the registration dates for JDCC for the January program to see if I will be finished in time for it to count toward my points. If so, I could potentially have 168 (B's in all 3). I feel pretty good that I will get a B in A&P 2. If Micro, won't count then I will have at least 148 so maybe I'll get in. I'll have to totally rework everything though. My kids go to daycare in downtown Pcola and I live in Century so I would need to move them closer to the house (not a lot of daycare options around there). I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

So, your original post was in June...did you get in? If so, please keep me posted on how you like the program.



Hey Tanya, I didn't get accepted to the program for this fall. But it's actually for the best. We are not prepared financially yet. My husband just passed his EMT test and is now finally certified so he can now try to get a second job as an EMT. Hopefully he finds something in the next few months and we'll be ready for me to start in January. I did actually get a letter from JD saying I was picked as an alternate, but a month later I got the denial letter. That must mean I was pretty close to getting in. I'll be done with Micro in 2 weeks so after that I shouldn't have a problem getting in there. I'm still on the fence about PJC and JDCC. PJC is so much closer for me. But the program is so intense because it's condensed into 4 semesters and JD is 5 semesters. I think it's probably better to spread it out a little bit longer. But it is nice to get done faster too. I talked to some people at my school (PJC) in my micro class who are in the nursing program and there is one girl that was telling me that about half of her class flunked out after the last test they took. I have to admit that scared me pretty badly. But I also know this one girl who is making it work. She is totally busting ass though which is what is required to get through it. I have heard good things about JD but I'm sure the program there is challenging in it's own way. I know it won't be a breeze either. So right now I'm still in the same boat I've been in. I'm still trying for both schools. PJC said I'll probably be able to start in January. I have a feeling I will probably end up going to PJC, but you never know what could happen in the mean time, so I'm still going to apply to JD for the fall too just in case. Well, let me know how things go for you. It's good to have people to talk to along our journey!

You must have been really close! I guess everything happens for a reason. I hope to get in one of the programs in January too, maybe we'll be classmates! My micro class won't be finished before the appliction deadline to JDCC so I figure I will only have 128 points and wouldn't cut it. I plan to CLEP my Algebra course, but if I don't do it soon (and pass) then I won't get in PJC either.

I actually thought about trying the respiratory care program at PJC just so I could get started with something and go back for my RN later (they make comparable money and same schedules), but although the program is still advertised in conjunction with GCCC - it is no longer offered and the GCCC campus would be 125 miles from me...that is way too far. I have 3 kids so it wouldn't work...kinda bummed about that. My middle son has chronic asthma and has been hospitalized twice so it would have been benefcial on a personal note too.

My sister is a nurse and she went to school at FCCJ in Jax. She feels like if a program is NLN accredited then they are preparing you for the same thing is similar ways. Having that extra term at JDCC would ne nice in some ways, but I think it boils down to the student. Forums like this give us some insight into what to expect, some people don't have a clue and don't take it seriously. If you give 100% I think either program would be fine....PJC may be tougher though. When I took the NLN (at PJC) I was looking at the graduating class pics on the wall and 2 years ago, the results were grim - if they were still admitting 110. Last years were pretty good though.

Lets definitely keep in touch - it would be nice to actually know someone starting off.

Hey guys :) I have two friends starting next month at PJC and they will be giving me the low down on how it works. I will keep everyone posted on here as to what is involved in the program :D

Mikey, That's great that you know people starting this fall. I'd love to keep up with how everything is going. From what I heard from people I know who are in the 2nd semester right now, Intro is hard, but doable, then the second semester it gets crazy hard. I'm just going to prepare for it to be really hard so I don't let myself fall behind. Overall though I'm so excited to finally get started. No matter which program. I just can't wait until January!!

Heck ya! So are you gonna start with me kayty?

Probably. I talked to the health admissions advisor and she said there are 110 spots and she wouldn't tell me what number I was, but I'm like "RIGHT there outside of that 110" and she said due to the fact that there will be some who don't end up starting in Jan even if they are on the list that I should plan on starting in January.

Cool! I will pm you, about my contact info :)

Just had some quick questions, so even if I, by chance, get into the program in the Fall of 2010, I will still have to take Micro, Nutrition and A& P 2, do you think that taking those classes while taking Nursing classes be too much? Should I try and take some the summer before Nursing school? Any input would be great! Thanks!

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