How can I transfer to Peds from Telemetry Specialty?

Specialties Pediatric


Specializes in telemetry, oncology, med/surg.

:nurse: Hello!

I am a traveling Telemetry nurse and I am interested in possibly settling down in the AZ area and transferring/enhancing my nursing knowledge by adding peds to my belt. Is there an easy way to do this? What things do I need to know? Let me know.

Specializes in none, still looking.

Apply for an internship at your local pediatric hospital.

:nurse: Hello!

I am a traveling Telemetry nurse and I am interested in possibly settling down in the AZ area and transferring/enhancing my nursing knowledge by adding peds to my belt. Is there an easy way to do this? What things do I need to know? Let me know.

I got started in pediatrics working in an office setting part time as well as in a local hospital med/surg floor. when a peds position became available i applied and qualified. I LOVE IT!!! good luck!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

You may find it as easy as simply applying for a job in peds the same way you would apply for any nursing job -- particularly at a children's hospital or a hospital with multiple pediatric units. Many hospitals with minimimal pediatric services may have limited eductional programs to train someone without peds experience and prefer to hire either experienced peds nurses or may prefer to hire people from within their own hospital already familiar with their general way of doing things.

Look for hospitals with good (lengthy) orientation programs for all new hires that include classes in pediatrics along with preceptored clinical experience.

You also need to recognize that you may not be as attractive as an applicant in pediatrics as you are in adult med/surg areas. Someone with an open peds position to fill may look at you and say ... "Hmmm... traveler ... wants to add peds to her experience ... As soon as we invest in her and teach her peds, she will start traveling again. ... She's looking for a peds education, and once we provide it for her, she will leave."

You may need to demonstrate somehow that you are serious about staying at that hospital after they have invested in your development. Hospitals are getting hesitant to train people with little hope of having that person stay and contribute to the unit after they have gotten the free (paid for) education they sought. Be prepared to face this issue as you start applying for positions. You may need to sign a contract or you may need to take a telemetry job for a while to demostrate that you really want to live in that area and will stay there for at least 2 years after you have been trained.


Specializes in Peds; Peds Oncology.

If possible,take PALS first. That will show a potential employer that you are serious about getting into peds.

Good Luck!!

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