PCT on Mother/Baby unit


Specializes in ICU.

I have an interview coming up for a PCT on a Mother/Baby floor. What kind of questions do you think they will ask on the interview? Any PCTs have any interview advice? Any thing that I should ask the interviewer? Thank you so much!

Specializes in OB.

I started as a Tech on M/B while going to school for Surgical Technology. That was my very first job in the medical field after getting my CNA license. I was scared about the interview mainly because I was new to the field and wasn't sure what to expect. The unit manager and Supervisor interviewed me at the same time and basically asked me what were my future goals, why would I be a good fit, how would I describe myself, and I think I was given a few scenarios and was asked what would my responses for each one be. I was offered the job within the week and started a month after. I loved my job! The nurses were(are) great and I enjoyed everything involved in my job. Now after graduating as a scrub tech I work in L&D and still get to see my M/B gals on every shift I work. Now after a year as an OB Scrub Tech I'm starting my general classes towards a BSN . Be yourself at the interview, have fun with it and best of luck.

I started as a Tech on M/B while going to school for Surgical Technology. That was my very first job in the medical field after getting my CNA license. I was scared about the interview mainly because I was new to the field and wasn't sure what to expect. The unit manager and Supervisor interviewed me at the same time and basically asked me what were my future goals, why would I be a good fit, how would I describe myself, and I think I was given a few scenarios and was asked what would my responses for each one be. I was offered the job within the week and started a month after. I loved my job! The nurses were(are) great and I enjoyed everything involved in my job. Now after graduating as a scrub tech I work in L&D and still get to see my M/B gals on every shift I work. Now after a year as an OB Scrub Tech I'm starting my general classes towards a BSN . Be yourself at the interview, have fun with it and best of luck.

Hi, I currently work on a medsurg floor and I hoping to switch to a mother baby unit. Can you give me an idea of how your work shift goes?


Specializes in OB.

On M/B I did 3-11 so I finish up any 2pm vitals that were pending, change any linen that didn't get done on first shift, bathe newborns, feed them, change diapers, assist moms with breast feedings, peri care on c-section moms, assist OB/GYN's with circumcisions, transport discharged moms and babies, help setting car seats up in car, taking saline locks out, more

Vitals at 6 to whoever had less than 24 hrs from delivery, take trash out, set up rooms for new patients, clean and set up bassinets with diapers and wipes, and the list goes on. It was a lot of fun but very busy. At times I was by myself and had all 23 post partum patients for myself (and 23 babies, unless they went to NICU). Hope this helps.

hello! I have a question, did you get your cna license prior to applying for this job? (sorry if that is a stupid question lol!) I am hoping to go into nursing school in the fall of 2013, but I do not currently have my cna license. I have been toying with the idea of getting it, but haven't made up my mind yet. How did you go about even landing an interview for this position?? It is my dream to either work in labor and delivery or mother/baby after I get out of NS, and I would love to get some experience beforehand. And from mom2benurse's reply, it sounds like a job I would enjoy too!!! thanks:)

Specializes in OB.

Not sure if your asking me or the previous poster. But in my case I did my CNA training in April 2009 for six weeks, graduated and had my skills test by June and got my Florida license right away. I was putting some applications out but nothing was happening. July 1st, 09 I see a posting for M/B tech and applied immediately, that was my dream place to work! A day later for the call for the interview and a week later I was hired. Started in August 09. While doing that I went to school for Surgical Technology and have been an OB Scrub Tech for a year. Now i start an Accelerated BSN program and hopefully be done in 2.5 years and get a job on my floor. Good luck!

Awesome! I was asking both of you:) I am thinking of challenging the cna boards? I had a few semesters in nursing school a couple of years ago, but I didn't finish due to my circumstances at the time. I honestly don't want to get my cna and end up working my butt off in a nursing home/medsurg unit..(not there is anything at all against the people who do, I admire them for being able to do it!!) I know they work their tails off and probably don't enjoy their job much:/ I just know that is not for me at this time. I had thought about buying a cna book and brushing up on my skills and then trying to take the test. I am not really needing the money, but would love to gain the experience in the units we talked about. You both got really lucky not having any experience and landing a job in such an awesome unit!! I worked as a medical assistant for an obgyn for a few years and that is what sparked my interest in that area. Any advice as of how to even try to land a job in the hospital? I have applied for a few positions that didn't require CNA, but I never heard anything back. My husband said they have to put the job out there, but that more than likely it was filled from within before they even saw my application. I know I prob need to refresh my resume a little bit too! Something about applying online makes me feel like my chances are slim....I have always had better luck showing up with a resume and handing it to the person! Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this post! LOL! Any other advice would be appreciated!!!

Specializes in ICU.

Thank you for the responses. Just a little update, the interview was rescheduled for this week and I don't have such high hopes anymore. Originally I was to meet with the interviewer at the old hospital but now it is at a hotel (I am assuming they are turning this into more of a job fair interview than something more intimate?) Perhaps there are too many applicants that they were interested in.

I am just thankful to even hear a response back! I have been applying for PCT/PCA jobs since October 2011. It is now August 2012 and this is the first place to call me back. This is for a brand new hospital that is going to open up in September. They have had plenty of job openings, though I am sure plenty of applicants, too. I am surprised that I received a call for the M/B unit, as this is a unit I am sure many people would love to work in.

I just graduated from a nursing program this past May. I actually earned my RN license during the time I applied and the phone call back. I am having an awful time finding a PCT or RN job. Unfortunately, I don't think they will consider me now that I have RN license. But I just want any experience, especially since this is a hospital I would love to work in.

I believe most PCT jobs (at least around here) require that you are a CNA or a nursing student with at least one semester of clinical under their belt. I would probably try and pursue the CNA training if you can. Though your past experience as a nursing student or medical assistant may be helpful!

It can take a long time to hear about. I've been applying for almost a year at various hospitals. It took more a little over 2 months for this hospital to call back after my application was submitted.


Not sure if your asking me or the previous poster. But in my case I did my CNA training in April 2009 for six weeks, graduated and had my skills test by June and got my Florida license right away. I was putting some applications out but nothing was happening. July 1st, 09 I see a posting for M/B tech and applied immediately, that was my dream place to work! A day later for the call for the interview and a week later I was hired. Started in August 09. While doing that I went to school for Surgical Technology and have been an OB Scrub Tech for a year. Now i start an accelerated BSN program and hopefully be done in 2.5 years and get a job on my floor. Good luck!

Thanks for the info we have the same plan I will be applying to an Accelerated BSN program next fall and I took the medsurg position to get my foot in the hospital door. Labor and delivery is my dream spot so I will be eligible to apply for a different unit in a few months. Good luck and thank you for the info.

Awesome! I was asking both of you:) I am thinking of challenging the cna boards? I had a few semesters in nursing school a couple of years ago, but I didn't finish due to my circumstances at the time. I honestly don't want to get my cna and end up working my butt off in a nursing home/medsurg unit..(not there is anything at all against the people who do, I admire them for being able to do it!!) I know they work their tails off and probably don't enjoy their job much:/ I just know that is not for me at this time. I had thought about buying a cna book and brushing up on my skills and then trying to take the test. I am not really needing the money, but would love to gain the experience in the units we talked about. You both got really lucky not having any experience and landing a job in such an awesome unit!! I worked as a medical assistant for an obgyn for a few years and that is what sparked my interest in that area. Any advice as of how to even try to land a job in the hospital? I have applied for a few positions that didn't require CNA, but I never heard anything back. My husband said they have to put the job out there, but that more than likely it was filled from within before they even saw my application. I know I prob need to refresh my resume a little bit too! Something about applying online makes me feel like my chances are slim....I have always had better luck showing up with a resume and handing it to the person! Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this post! LOL! Any other advice would be appreciated!!!

Some of the hospitals here don't require a CNA or STNA license for employment. Check the hospital's website and see what they require. It definitely can't hurt but they can be expensive so do your research first :)

Best Wishes

Awesome! I was asking both of you:) I am thinking of challenging the cna boards? I had a few semesters in nursing school a couple of years ago, but I didn't finish due to my circumstances at the time. I honestly don't want to get my cna and end up working my butt off in a nursing home/medsurg unit..(not there is anything at all against the people who do, I admire them for being able to do it!!) I know they work their tails off and probably don't enjoy their job much:/ I just know that is not for me at this time. I had thought about buying a cna book and brushing up on my skills and then trying to take the test. I am not really needing the money, but would love to gain the experience in the units we talked about. You both got really lucky not having any experience and landing a job in such an awesome unit!! I worked as a medical assistant for an obgyn for a few years and that is what sparked my interest in that area. Any advice as of how to even try to land a job in the hospital? I have applied for a few positions that didn't require CNA, but I never heard anything back. My husband said they have to put the job out there, but that more than likely it was filled from within before they even saw my application. I know I prob need to refresh my resume a little bit too! Something about applying online makes me feel like my chances are slim....I have always had better luck showing up with a resume and handing it to the person! Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this post! LOL! Any other advice would be appreciated!!!

You can also apply for positions as a patient transporter or dietary, housekeeping just to get your foot in the door. I once felt the way you feel about medsurg but I had to make what I think was a wise choice. Some nurses are not finding jobs after graduation so since I am a career changer I needed to get my foot in the door. I took a job as a PCT on a medsurg floor which is very busy most days. But my hospital has a tendency to hire the pcts when they graduate. I only have to stay on this floor for six months then I can apply for a different unit. Even if I land a spot on L&D after school I will work medsurg prn because you see so much and it keeps your nursing skills fresh. I don't hate medsurg I consider it a stepping stone to getting to a type of nursing that I love:)

Best Wishes

hey i currently attending school as a pct and i'm interested in the M/B unit as well do u have to have any experience working on this floor and what is the starting rate for a position in the M/B.

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