PCC Proctored Essay for Fall 17'?


Hi all! Was wondering if anyone else received their email inviting them to the proctored essay at PCC? Does anyone know approximately how many people are invited to the essay? I know the cohort size is typically 80 so just trying to determine, statistically the chances of being accepted for a spot in the cohort.

Yep just received mine! Not sure how many were invited but I want to say there are a few days scheduled and a friend from last year said she was in a room with about 30 for the essay. It's hard to drum up stats because they use a combined total of essay points and preliminary application points, but also hard not to obsess at this point haha. Best of luck!

Does anyone know what questions were on previous proctored essays? Or have an idea of what kind of questions might be on this essay as well as how many question we will need to be answering?

I'm not really sure what to expect. I'm going to be looking at threads from last years comments and such to get a better idea. I just know from the PCC website that we have 1.5 hours for 2-3 essay questions. I wonder how many got invited to take the proctored essay and how many applications they received this year.

Does anyone know what questions were on previous proctored essays? Or have an idea of what kind of questions might be on this essay as well as how many question we will need to be answering?

Hi all! The PCC nursing admissions faq page says "up to 200 applicants invited" to the proctored essay and "up to 80" invited to continue afterward. I'm going to check out some threads from the last couple of years and hopefully gather some intel on what the topics/prompts might be. Does anyone already have an idea about what the specifics of the proctored essay have been like in years past? Do we get to type them out? Hand written? Number of questions? Time limit?

Hi all! The PCC nursing admissions faq page says "up to 200 applicants invited" to the proctored essay and "up to 80" invited to continue afterward. I'm going to check out some threads from the last couple of years and hopefully gather some intel on what the topics/prompts might be. Does anyone already have an idea about what the specifics of the proctored essay have been like in years past? Do we get to type them out? Hand written? Number of questions? Time limit?

At all the interviews and essays last year we were instrusted to not discuss questions. I will say that all were pretty similar. I would focus on why you want to be a nurse, apart from the standard "I want to help people" and what skills you possess that will make you a great, compassionate and competent nurse. Look up example questions online and don't memorize and answer but think about the questions and how you would answer genuinely. I spent hours looking up examples and making documents reflecting on my own skills, experiences and qualities. I will say it was typed and it was only a couple questions. Same with the other schools.

Rumor mill has it that the program admits 60ish this Fall. And for the essay, reflect on your experiences and interprofessionalism. Be honest. Be true. Tell your story. You got this far to be invited to the essay, so stand out :)

Really? Just 60'ish? They told us 80 this term at the information session and also when we called to get scholarship information. Ugh, 60 makes it that much harder. I'm so nervous! Does anyone know if they interview several times each day or is it just a few sessions?

Rumor mill has it that the program admits 60ish this Fall. And for the essay, reflect on your experiences and interprofessionalism. Be honest. Be true. Tell your story. You got this far to be invited to the essay, so stand out :)

I believe that you are correct about only 60 or so being in this fall cohort. Have you done your essay yet? I did mine and the room was not quite full, there were only around 18 or so people there. I think they are also putting around 60 or so on the wait list as well. I know each year is different but previous threads have commented on the fact that historically PCC goes through their wait list. It seems like many people interview at multiple places and then eventually make their decision between schools. I've seen it come up several times between PCC and CCC and PCC and OHSU and once people get the invites to either of those they give up their spot at PCC. Not 100% but seems to be the pattern. Anyone able to confirm this? I also got the vibe that not quite 200 were invited to interview this time around due to the reduced cohort size. So from what past threads have stated as well as info from PCC it appears that if you were selected to interview you are either in the program or wait listed. Does anyone know if this is verifiable? Good luck to everyone participating in the proctored essay.

Rumor mill has it that the program admits 60ish this Fall. And for the essay, reflect on your experiences and interprofessionalism. Be honest. Be true. Tell your story. You got this far to be invited to the essay, so stand out :)

Has anyone received any communication from PCC that provided with you with your point totals? I received one from CCC but not from PCC and was just curious if this is something they provide to applicants. Has anyone had their interviews at PCC yet? Do they do them all day for one day or multiple sessions for a few days? Trying to get a feel of how many people went to the proctored essay. Good luck to all on this adventure of applying to nursing school!

How's everyone who interviewed doing? If I remember correctly (I was SO nervous) at the essay they said emails go out on 5/8. The wait is making me insane but trying to realize I made it this far (after 2 years of pre-req's) so as painful as another 3 weeks is I'm going to make it through!;)

Has anyone had interviews elsewhere? If so how did they go and have you heard back? I saw on another thread for this fall a few people who interviewed in several places have heard back from OHSU and have been accepted (awesome sauce for them!). I don't know about you guys but I had a good vibe from PCC and am keeping my fingers crossed I get in as I think it will be a really good fit for me. Good luck to everyone and would love to hear updates.

So Monday is the day everyone when we should be hearing back. I am so impatient!!! I was hoping by some chance we would hear back earlier- it's going to be another long weekend of anticipation. Good luck to everyone waiting to hear back!

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